Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Deposits--clearly I'm stalling

So, they put me in charge of deposits halfway through last semester.  I'm waiting for the day I mess up big-time.  They'll say, "What were you thinking?"  And I'll say, "What were you thinking putting me in charge of that. Did you really think that was a good--wait a all?" hehe

Okay, I'm literally stalling.  These names/numbers/addresses aren't going to Google-stalk themselves!

Going for 16!

I'm going for 16 today!  Oh, 16 what, you wonder.  16. hours. of. work.*  Yes, I got to St. Paul's at 6:45 this morning to print some things off and be ready for my 7am meeting.  Then, I worked all day and got home 20 minutes ago (8pm).  And, I have literally 10 pages of data entry from the data-entry-packet-from-hell.  Seriously...I worked on that sucker for two days straight over break and only stopped because I knew I would go crazy if I did any more.  So, pray for me that I can get it done...cause it's been hanging over my head for forever.  And, I think I'll be much happier when it's done.  So, I'm going for 16.  Three hours of data entry and then bed.  Which means I'll have worked 16 hours today--for the pay of what Libby makes on a bathroom break.  Ah, c'est la vie--all for the love of the Kingdom of Heaven! :)

*Note: This 16 hours does include Mass and an hour of morning Adoration, but still...feel sorry for me!

P.S. I did a deposit today.  That means >$10,000 went through my hands...who thought that was a good idea again?