Books to Read

So I have an ever-growing list of books I want to read.  It's always been floating around in my mind and I never get anywhere on the "list".  I've been meaning to write it down (for literally years) and haven't.  But, nunc coepi (The words of St. Josemaria Escriva meaning, "now I begin")!

 If you have suggestions, please let me know and I'll add them to a list.

  • God, help me Jim Beckman
  • Absolute Relativism Chris Stefanick
  • The Secret Diary of Elisabeth Leseur 
  • The whole Catechism of the Catholic Church
  • The whole Bible
  • The Father's Tale Michael O'brien
**This page is totally a work in progress...I'll have to actually think about this list!**

1 comment:

  1. Louis de Wohl books are easy reads and are really, really good. He also has a Church History book that practically reads like a novel. I recommend them...

    Also, I am a never-ending book recommender, so if you ever need some suggestions...
