Sunday, September 6, 2009

Little bits of lots of languages

The plane ride went smoothly and everything was great. I had plans of reading a book or two during the flight, but Swiss Air had other plans for me. There was around 50 movies, a bunch of TV shows, music channels, and games. I played some Sudoku, Tetris and "Who Wants to be a Millionaire?"...watched two movies, listened to music, and watched a documentary about orangutans. I didn't sleep at all. I thought it was quite funny when they served us breakfast at 3a.m. Well, anyway, I eventually got to Valencia. Everything was on time and I just had to wait for my luggage. This was a pretty small airport so I'm not sure why it took sooooo long for the luggage to come--about 1.5 hours. I did have two fun experiences in foreign languages. I helped a woman find her baggage claim. She asked in German where it was going to be and I helped her out. (Apparently I didn't do a good enough job as a native German speaker said something after I helped her.) Then about 10 minutes later, a woman came and asked me where the baggage from Sevilla would be. I looked at the sign posting where baggage was and figured out hers was on belt 5. Then I had to go through the numbers and remember how to say 5 in Spanish! I wasn't really able to form a complete sentence in Spanish like I could in German. I said "Seville es en cinco." And she was super I had to try and tell her that the flight from Zurich was on belt 4 and her luggage was on belt was a lot of "Zurich es cuatro. Sevilla es cinco." Anyway, my minimal knowledge of multiple languages has paid off. Now, if only someone would ask me how to say "a little bit" in Haitian Creole...tu bitzi...

1 comment:

  1. =) I like that you loved the airplane ride love TRACY
