Friday, March 4, 2011

Before I do anything else with this blog...

March 4th, 2011: time to remember what I did in Italy!

I should try and remember what I did during the rest of my trip to Italy. I might be curious someday. The only problem is that I've been home for over a year....soooo hear goes.

My last post was about our program's trip to Rome. That trip happened in early November and our program ended December 18th-ish.

I'm thinking I didn't do a whole lot of outside of Florence the last month--namely because I don't have any pictures of new adventures. Some things I did do in/around Florence:

-We spent a bunch of time in downtown Florence. Lot's of shopping at the market buying souvenirs and Christmas gifts for everyone. We still went downtown every Tuesday morning for our Art History class tours of museums around town.

Downtown Florence. So Beautiful!!

-We went to l'Opera. Yes, the opera! I, obviously, had to go buy a new dress for this fancy occasion so a few of us ladies went downtown Florence and did some shopping. As much as I'd love to say my dress came from Gucci or Fendi or something, I crossed the street from the fancy stores and went to H&M! :) The Opera was great and we had a lot of fun. I, thankfully, watched the VHS of the same Opera we were seeing with English subtitles so I kind of understood what was going on. Okay, the fun part was getting dressed up and going out for drinks ahead of time! :)
Me, Amanda and Laura waiting for the train to go downtown before the Opera.

-We had a fabulous Thanksgiving Dinner at the Villa. Bruno cooked us the whole meal--green mashed potatoes and all. (I think he put pureed broccoli or something in it; it tasted normal just looked ridiculous!) The English teachers from the local schools that we had been doing internships with all came for supper too which was fun. We did, unfortunately have classes on Thanksgiving day--lamesauce. But, a large group of us played some football before supper, so that was fun!
Here's some people playing calcio (soccer) on the old clay tennis court at the villa.
I can't find a picture of us playing football, but we played a lot of soccer at the end of the semester too!

-One day, a Christmas tree appeared in the common room/entrance room to part of the Villa. There was a note from Helen that said we should decorate it, so we did!

The slightly crooked Villa Christmas tree!

-Another day, we went to a town called Prato. We were looking for a biscotti factory, but could not find it anywhere. Oh well, it was a fun day trip. We got some Pizza for lunch and Diana and I separated from the other girls to try and keep looking for the biscotti factory. (Which means getting off at a different train stop and not finding the factory then proceeding to try and find buses to take us back to the villa before supper. I can't remember now, but I think we succeeded!)

Here's the Duomo (Cathedral) in Prato

-Our house fellow/RA, Amanda, had arranged for us to go to a Fiorentina soccer game. Since soccer is so crazy/slightly out of control sometimes, getting tickets to games is kind of an ordeal. We had to give her our passports to get the tickets! Anyway, the game was fun, the fans we not as rowdy as I would have liked to see though! :)

(Crazy-ish) Fiorentina fans!

-A different adventure had Helen, the Villa Manager (an Austrailian-turned-Italian) take us on a hike in the hills near Sesto to her house. It was fun; we saw olive trees and the sight where da Vinci had one of his students try and "fly" (fail!). It was yet another fun day trip.

Here's some of us during our hike with Helen.

I'm going to do two more quick posts about the ends of my adventures at the Villa Corsi-Salviati.

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