Friday, October 19, 2012

Maybe I'm double-famous...

Not only am I famous here... (thanks Maggie)

But I'm also famous here...

That's from the SEEK 2013 website.  SEEK 2013 is the FOCUS conference website for the conference in Orlando this January.  Apparently I'm just super photogenic for things like this...except not at all because both pictures are totally awkward!  Oh well, so ist das Leben.

Can't wait for the babies/family tomorrow!

Saturday, September 22, 2012

So this giraffe walked into a bar...

Please watch this video.  It changed my life.  We now start every day in upper commons with a movie screening--of this video!

Friday, July 13, 2012

Vintage Earring Holder

Well, I finally made something that I've wanted to make for.ever.  I was sick of digging through my awkward basket of earrings and getting frustrated not finding matches (#firstworldproblems, right?).

Anyway, here it is!

Supplies: Picture frame (I got a nicely stained wooden one with a little design from Walmart for $3), paint, cheap paint brush, napkins (for the vintage look), picture hanging wire*, hot glue, cute earrings.

*I claim no knowledge as to what these supplies actually are called...

Paint the picture frame--I chose white:
In case you wanted to know what kind of paint and paint brush I used.
These cost me nothing since I bought them months ago!

Here's the picture frame painted white but with a little vintage look.

It was simple to give the frame a "vintage" look instead of a freshly painted look.  I just wiped some of the paint off with a napkin after I painted it.  When my roommate got home I did have to ask if it looked vintage or poorly painted.  Thankfully she answered the former.

I also really liked how you could see the design of the picture frame!

Then, take picture hanging wire and cut strands about the width of the picture frame and twist 2 together semi-loosely.

Here's a super-creepy selfie of halfway through twisting the wire.  It doesn't have to be perfect.
The more imperfections the better, right?

I made four strands of twisted wire (so needed 8 cut wires total).  After that it's time to hot glue to the picture frame.

Feel free to take weird pictures while you are waiting an extraordinarily long amount of time for the hot glue gun to warm up.  When it's been ten minutes and it's still not warm, turn the light switch on that controls the outlet it's plugged into.

I learned the less hot glue you use the faster it dries.
However, I go overboard on everything so I just. kept. laying. on. the. glue.

Here's the first string glued on.

Then, add your other strands.  Look at your earring collection to determine your spacing of the strands.  I wanted two rows for studs/short dangly earrings and two rows for bigger earrings.

Here's all four strands glued on.  Again, don't worry about perfection.  If the twisted wires are too tightly twisted or glued on, you won't be able to slide the earrings through the wires.

If you've gotten this far and turn the picture frame over and it doesn't look something like this, let me know because you probably messed up! :)

The. Best. Step.

Add your earrings!

Just slide them through the holes in the wires and set this on your dresser.  Game. Set. Match.  Earring Holder!

Project Cost:
Since I already owned the paint, paint brush, and glue gun the total cost of supplies was under $6.  The frame and picture wire were both about $3.  (I suppose the whole thing cost more since I have, over time, acquired all those great earrings!)

Project Time:
Under an hour.

Seriously. Just do this, it's great!

Plus, I'm going to get some dry-erase markers and turn the glass of the picture frame into a prayer intention board.  Waste free! :)

Wednesday, July 11, 2012

I'm crafting like it's my job!

Get ready for OnePlaneJane to be turned into craft-mania!  It's going to be great.  Maybe I'll throw in a ditty or two about my life.  We shall see.  We shall see.  Welp, back to crafting!  (Get excited, I'm about to have a place to display my earrings!)

Friday, May 18, 2012

My Baby Sister....

Is done with Sophomore year of school!  :(  What a mature and smart 14-year-old she is!

My Last Day of Work...

...until Monday!!

Well, this is the last official day of work for the Interns.  As I type this I remember we are required to be here through Sunday but my only real responsibilities that day include going to Mass and doing Welcome Ministry at Mass...sooooo, not really work.

But, it's been a great year.  I learn a lot!  Most of what I learned is about how to cook for large groups of people..but hey, you never know when I'm going to need to whip out that skill!  I also learned a lot about running retreats and things like that.  I think I could have a future in event planning.  I could be the person making sure everything is running on time and also the person in charge of the meal.  I suppose I shouldn't hope for these great jobs like "event coordinator, of blah blah blah" making hundreds of thousands of dollars a year.  I'm more qualified for something along the lines of lunch lady!  :)  Or I just have to have 80 children.  Either way...

I finally got to see Libby yesterday when I went to her house to paint some coffee cups for mom.  Which means I finally got my birthday presents from Libby and Emma!  I liked 'em.  There was note pads, snap bracelet watches, ice cream cups, scarves, pro-life t-shrits, and high-heel wine stoppers...come to think of it, with the exception of the last gift everything would fit pretty well in a gift for a 5-year-old girl...oh well, I'll embrace my love of all things childish instead of being embarrassed.

"Truly, I say to you, unless you turn and become like children, you will never enter the kingdom of heaven." Matthew 18:3

Thursday, May 3, 2012

Tuesday, May 1, 2012

ASM Meeting

I'm sitting at my first ASM meeting.  It started at 6:30pm.  I was into it until 8pm when we took a little break (someone made a motion for recess for 4 minutes so the newly elected chair could take over for the Chief Justice of Student Judiciary who was acting as chair until we elected a chair for the 19th Session of ASM).  HAHAH

I'm learning a ton.  I lost interest at 8pm.  It's 10:07.  My 24th Birthday is going to start at a student council meeting.

What. The. Heck.

My life is a joke...but I love it!

Sunday, April 8, 2012

Christ is Risen From the Dead


"O happy fault, O necessary sin of Adam, which gained for us so great a Redeemer!"

Tuesday, April 3, 2012

It's so hard to post when surrounded by cute kids!

I just don't understand how Maggie does it! Today we went to the Chrism Mass in LaCrosse. They were so cute. The Bezzie fell asleep in Phil's arms during Mass and Joseph slept through Mass. Everyone except Phil slept the whole ride home. Oh, they're just so precious when they sleep. Anyway, tomorrow I'm going with mom to Appleton to drop off grandma and maybe do a little shopping. Thursday I'm headed back to Madison for the Triduum!

Thursday, March 29, 2012

No. More. Cooking.

I literally should be a chef.  Or a lunch lady. Or a mom.

Yesterday I grocery shopped to cook two meals today.  This morning after prayer I started working on staff lunch (well, not right after prayer, I did some other stuff first).  But, I decorated a cake (you know, with hearts and snails) for one of the interns engagements (yay!).  Then, I made the taco bake with mashed potatoes and some black bean/corn salsa and cut up some oranges.  After eating staff lunch (where all the married/engaged people told the stories of their's really funny, maybe I'll write about that another time) I had about an hour off.

I did some desk work in this hour and counted up some money.  Then, I returned to the kitchen (after a 15 minute rest on the couch in the basement) to cook homemade pizza for 100 people.  Of course, there was salad, cottage cheese, and berry crisp to go with it.  I personally did a lot of dough making.

A big shout out to Nick and Nico for helping with staff lunch and to the Hospitality Team for helping with dinner.  I have to keep this post short cause I'm about to head up to my apartment to sit on my balcony and drink wine with my friend, Sarah.

So, adios.  Tomorrow it's a little work, packing, Mass, seeing Libby's house and heading home for the week! Yay for babies--I mean family!

P.S.  If you see any openings for moms or lunch ladies, let me know!

Wednesday, March 28, 2012

I wish I had a life...

My life feels pretty boring right now (compared to house buying, baby having, etc.)

Actually, my life feels pretty boring compared to anything...

Wow, I need a life.

I don't really have a social life.

A couple weeks ago, James suggested I find friends who

  1. aren't college undergrads or 
  2. only talk about undergrads
How am I supposed to do this when I'm an indentured servant to the Church?

Ha, just kidding, I actually love what I'm doing!  I don't care if I only hang out with 18-year-olds.  Whatevs.

Monday, March 26, 2012

Talked to the banker...

Did you think you accidentally went to Libby's blog?

I wonder what she's done in the last couple of weeks?

If only she ever updated her blog!  Oh, well....

Say. La. Vee.  (Or c'est la vie...if you're French)

Saturday, March 24, 2012

Koinonia Retreat!

This weekend is SPK9 (St. Paul's Koinonia 9).  I went on SPK3 during the spring of my junior year...we're already on number 9.  It makes me feel old!  But, I'm doing some work from campus for that.  I also run out to the retreat sight (about 30 minutes west of campus in Pine Bluff) whenever they need anything!

Pray for the retreat!

St. Ignatius (patron of SPK9), pray for us!

Thursday, March 22, 2012

The worst insult ever and a horrible lefsa ingredient

Do you want to know what the worst insult ever would be?

"You smell like a bag of rotten potatoes!!"

Why? You wonder... Well, look no further.  I'll tell you.  It's because ROTTEN. POTATOES. ARE. THE. WORST. SMELLING. THING. EVER.  Worse than anything else.  Last week the pantry in Newman Kitchen smelt a little janky, if you will.  (Janky = (adjective) inferior quality; held in low social regard; old and delapidated; refers almost exclusively to inanimate material objects, not to people.)  But, I ignored it preferring instead to pretend the smell would go away.  There was also something janky smelling in one of the fridges which I took care of--so I figured I did my good-smell-deed for the day.

Then, on Monday we had Hospitality Team meeting.  Since it was the Solemnity of St. Joseph (happy name day Jobie!) we had s'mores made over the stove as a treat.  Well, we had to go into the pantry to get the supplies.  And, on Monday it smelt jank nasty (jank nasty = An adjective phrase used to describe a person place or thing that looks stank, repulsive, dirty) Yes, jank nasty is like a bajillion times worse than jank.  So, I left the door open so it could air out during our hTeam meeting.  The only result was that the whole kitchen smelt horrible at the end of the meeting!

Solution?  Shut the door and pretend the problem doesn't exist.  Today, I went grocery shopping for tonight's Newman Dinner.  Before I left I went into the pantry and almost puked.  I decided it was high time to tackle this problem.  I found some moldy lemons and threw those away; I also threw away a few bags of onions.  Then, I went shopping.  I came back and decided to take the garbage (with the lemons, onions, apparently something sharp, and nasty banana juice in it) outside.  Well, by the time I got the garbage into the dumpster my cute pink dress had old-banana juice stains on it and my right leg was bleeding--dripping actually.  What the heck?!  And, to boot, I didn't even conquer the smell.  I looked around a little more but I was actually legitimately afraid there was a dead animal in there (or the idea of eggs that were weeks old and never got put in the fridge).  So, I quit.  I made the hTeam boys look when they got her for Newman Dinner.  And, you guessed it...ROTTEN POTATOES.

I know you need old potatoes for lefsa, but I think these would have made the worst. lefsa. ever.

Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Entering the World of Politics

Here's picture number 1.  It is the top of the page telling the election results for this week's vote for next year's members of the Associated Students of Madison (essentially the student council).  When you scroll down the election results you'll see...(read on)

***In case you missed it, check the Special Student column.

Yes, I'm the University's new Special Student (i.e. non-degree seeking student) representative to ASM.  I won with a whopping 7 (write-in) votes.  What is the world coming to?  People tell me to do something like this and I accept and now am on the student council.  Maybe I'll learn about politics--or maybe it will just be some good reading time.  Meetings are Wednesday evenings--I'm told I can just bring my laptop and do work/read/whatever during the meetings.  I have some friends on student council who will tell me what to do when.

hahahah, what a joke!  But, really, this is serious.  All in a day's work.

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Mad story telling skillz

So, today the Interns had a day of recollection.  After noon Mass we headed out to Cottage Grove for a few hours.  The priest there, Father Sasse (pronounced: sassy), gave a few meditations, we got to go to confession and got some quiet prayer time.  It was nice!

Then we headed back to campus for community night.  The FOCUS women, my friend Abby, and Sarah, the EC missionary who comes to our community night, were coming over tonight.  Because we didn't have a ton of time to cook food I prepped everything last night and we made a yummy risoto-style peppered chicken (super cheesy, creamy, green and red pepper, rice dish).  It was delish!  Maybe I'll post the recipe.  It kind of looked like vomit though, but we got over it.  We also had Wintergreen salad--the one with fruit that mom always made!  My favorite!!  And, we had bread with dipping oil, graham crackers, and celery with peanut butter.  It was a grand meal.

After we ate, there was some dancing to Disney songs on the porch, some hanging out, and some chatting.  Community night ended with a ridiculous story from Carrie.  She has a few nieces and nephews and apparently tells them stories a lot.  It was kind of creepy-weird how she told a 1/2 hour story about a magical dog, imaginary friends and fire-breathing (surprisingly kind-at-heart) dragons and we all listened intently!  Oh, how recent college grads don't use their imagination enough.  I was captivated--not necessarily by the quality of the story--don't get me wrong, I'd listen to adventures about Max and Princess Jane all day--but at her ability to story tell.  I took mental notes.  And. I. Can. Hardly. Wait. Until. Thérèse is old enough to appreciate my newly acquired story telling skills.  It's going to be awesome!

Tomorrow we have an all day staff discernment day to pick student leaders for next year.  It should be interesting.  The only sad thing is that we didn't work at all this afternoon and we won't work tomorrow.  (I mean we're actually working; just not doing the things I need to get done.)  And, this weekend is our Koinonia retreat.  I have a ton to do--so I'm going in before prayer tomorrow to hopefully get the booklet for the retreatants finished and sent it to be printed so we can have it by Friday.  I also need to do a lot of arranging rides and finding cars/drivers for the retreat.  So, pray for me!  St. Ignatius of Loyola is the patron of this retreat (called SPK9), so ask for his intercession!

Have a lovely night ya'll!

Sunday, March 18, 2012

I feel like Emma's going to quit posting...

At least this week while she's home with the Bessie and Jobobo!  But, I understand.  Let's be real, I probably won't be posting much during my spring break! :)  So, let's call it even!

Saturday, March 17, 2012

Welcome to the World baby Jobie!

It was lovely meeting you today,  Joseph!

I'm just so excited!

I don't care if I'm on the fail boat as long as it's taking me towards central Wisconsin!

Also, Libby and I are "hanging out" today.  Currently, I'm in her living room on the computer and she's getting dressed/blow drying her hair/not hanging out with me.  How rude.

Anway, sorry for riding the fail train again, Em.

Last night I went to a bonfire at picnic was great.  I went with the people who went on the Kansas City service trip over Christmas Break (no, I didn't go on that trip, but I like the people who did).  Then, we went to my friend Ann Marie's house and watched She's the Man.  And by watched I mean we didn't put it in until after 11pm and I moved immediately to the floor and slept through almost all of it.  I don't know how these college kids stay up so late! 

Well, over and out, hopefully Libby's ready to play!  We don't know what we're doing today but do know it includes buying baby Jobie some things he doesn't need--cause we can't remember if there are things he does need! :)

Thursday, March 15, 2012

And the Answer is....!

No!  Jane didn't get burned!  I tricked you all though because I'm sure you thought I did. :)  I got to be outside for a little bit again today.

So, every-other-Thursday we have staff lunch (which I don't have to cook (yay!)) and after we eat we move our chairs to the side and sit in a circle.  Father usually talks for a while, puts someone on the hotseat and asks them questions, or something like that.  Well, today he said, let's all go and watch the Badger Game.  So, instead of sitting around talking, we went to a bar, at 1:30 on a workday and drank beer and watched basketball, with a priest--actually 2 priests!

After that, Carrie, Erin and I (they're both FOCUS mishes) went and napped/prayed a Rosary in the sunshine and grass.  It was lovely.  Then I cooked chicken gyros (with Hospitality Team) with homemade cucumber sauce and they were delicious.  Newman Dinner starts at 6 and ends at 7 so everyone can go to Alpha Omega (the large group program).  Usually we're done cleaning at like 8ish.  Tonight, we were done at 7:04.

I decided I wanted to sneak home quick so I can read and relax tonight.  And, if I wait until Alpha O is done, someone will convince me to go do something else.  So, I'm outta hear....shhh, don't tell anyone where I went! :)

Wednesday, March 14, 2012

A quiz....

The weather was super nice here today.  The high was 78 degrees.  Sunshine.  Love all around.  There were people everywhere.  Where did these people come from?

1) There were about 2,000 tourists in Madison today.
2) All the prisons accidentally let everyone out.

Those are the only two logical explanations...

Anyway, I'm postponing praying the St. Joseph Novena for a couple minutes to post this because otherwise the blog police (Emma) will be after me if I post after midnight.

But....get's the quiz:

The weather was nearly 80 degrees and sunny.  Jane got to enjoy the weather by moving some meetings outside and eating lunch with a friend outside.  Did Jane get sunburned?  Yes or no?

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Why working at a Catholic Church is great...

1) Jesus is in the building
2) Your day starts with mandatory prayer
3) There's people checking in on you to make sure you're being good
4) The gentlemen you work with give you flowers on National Women's Day, and just randomly come to community night to give you real (and origami) flowers
5) When you leave town for a funeral, you return to find a card, flowers and chocolate on your desk
6) Most of the people you work with are nice
7) I get paid to do things like read the Bible and go out for coffee with people

I don't know...It's a lame and totally uncomprehensive list...but I fall asleep in morning prayer nearly every day so I need to go to bed now so I can get some sleep!

Also, high of 77 degrees tomorrow. what. the. heck. !

Monday, March 12, 2012

Fail Boat...Population Zero

I don't know why I'm on the (sinking) fail boat, Emma.  The only day I missed in a while was Saturday which I said I was going to miss before I even missed it.

As far as the retreat.  Awesome.  There were lots of talks.  They were each an hour, I think.  There were some before lunch, some after lunch and then more after Adoration.  I guess I'm not doing a great job explaining it.  But, IT WAS THE BEST RETREAT I'VE EVER BEEN TO!!

Weird, I feel like I've read most of that paragraph before, oh well.  But the retreat was wonderful.  Hopefully I'll post more on it later.  Tomorrow I'm going to the URW (United Religious Workers) meeting over lunch.  Someone from the university is coming to talk about how we can get our religious student orgs more involved on campus and get our name out.  It should be great!

Peace, love, happiness.

Sunday, March 11, 2012

your welcome.

Friday, March 9, 2012

Emma, I need your help

Change my background on my blog...make it pinker!

To be fair...

...We never claimed that we weren't using these blogs just for pictures of the Besie.  :)  And, I posted twice today to make up for the one I will miss tomorrow!  :)  Don't forget to read my last post, it had more substance than this one! :)

Spiritual Bootcamp

Today I'm headed to Dubuque, IA for a Spiritual Bootcamp.

It's a 3 day retreat led by two FOCUS staff on various FOCUS campuses.  This one happens to be on Loras's campus.  They had extra spots so everyone in the region was told to invite their students until spots filled up.  Unfortunately for everyone in the region (except Madison) Dubuque is in the middle of no where; so no one signed up from other campuses.  But, two missionaries from Madison, Carrie and Erin, are on the prayer team.  And, my friend Taylor (also a missionary here) is going to go.

I'm super excited!  There are 8's the topics, if you are interested:
#1 Pope Benedict XVI's Writings
#2 Who is the Holy Spirit?
#3 God's Love for Us
#4 Spiritual Warfare
#5 Healing
#6 Spiritual Gifts

#7 Identifying & Developing Your Spiritual Gift
#8 5 Minute Prayer Ministry and Intercessory Prayer

I mean the first talk is on Papa Benie's could a retreat that starts off like that be anything but AWESOME!?  Also, Lisa went on this at the beginning of the year and loved it and is very excited for me to go on it...I'm excited also!

So, no posts for Saturday, unless I post something ahead of time!

Thursday, March 8, 2012

I was thinking....

Mom (and dad) shouldn't just be able to read our posts.  They should have to have a blog too.

What does the audience think?  Any blog name suggestions?  I'm sure dad could think of something witty...

Here's my thoughts:

Wednesday, March 7, 2012

St. Felicity, pray for us...It's my name day!


Sts. Felicity and Perpetua, pray for us!

Felicity and Perpetua, pray for an increase of purity in America especially on Madison's campus.  And, since you are the patrons of expectant mothers, pray for Maggie!
And, Felicity, since you're my Confirmation Saint, pray for me!

(RevocatusSaturus, and Saturninus, pray for us as well--these are the guys that got martyred along with Felicity and Perpetua.)

If you don't know their story, check it out here!

Lisa's gone! :(

Lisa's visit was wonderful!  We didn't do a whole lot out of the ordinary.  She just worked when I worked--but we went out for breakfast, out for lunch, had to treck to move her car, etc.  So, let's be real not much work was done! :)  Which was great!  Also, this happened to be one of my slowest weeks of the year, so great!  We had slumbies in the living room Monday and Tuesday night!

When she was working, she was trying her fundraising.  She can't go back to campus until she get's her fundraising up.  So, if you know of anyone who wants to donate to her (cough, do the Epic employees reading this blog need someone to tithe to?) ;)

Okay, have a lovely Wednesday!

Monday, March 5, 2012

A Visitor!!!

LISA IS HERE FOR A COUPLE DAYS!!!  Ball State is on their spring break so she stopped by Madison for a few days.  Today she came to intern formation, we got lunch, did some work...  Then, we met Jake out at a local bar and he bought us a drink so he could catch up with Lisa.  After that we found a place to park her car and got some groceries.  Maddie came over for supper and we made a delicious meal and then hung out!

More on Lisa's visit later...

Saturday, March 3, 2012

Cleaning the kitchen...again

Today I spent a solid 6 hours cleaning Newman Kitchen at St. Paul's.  What was the highlight of that, you ask?  Well there were two.

  1. I dumped some warm water on my pants (it was an accident).  What was this great?  It look--and felt a little--like I peed my awk!
  2. I put a five-gallon bucket in the dishwasher (an industrial/cafeteria dishwasher).  It was a little tricky getting it in, but I made it fit.  Then, when the dishwasher finished cleaning, I couldn't get the dishwasher open.  I yanked and pulled and it wasn't budging.  I finally got it opened like an inch and half--just enough to see that the dishwasher tray had tipped a little.  Of course I tried sticking my hand in to tip the tray the other way.  Everything was quite, quite, quite hot.  I finally grabbed an oven mitt to try and stick my hand in the dice.  Finally, when at the point of tears I gave it a rest and asked for Mary and St. Jude's help.  Who would have thought, everything worked out great and I got the dishwasher open!  
So, if you ever learn anything from me or this blog, know that 5-gallon buckets don't fit very well in industrial dishwashers!

Now, I'm relaxing, eating some lasagna a friend made my roommates and me, and watching "Too Cute: kittens"...okay, I'm turning the TV off...too. many. kittens.

Tomorrow is our Student Leadership Banquet to thank this years student leaders and get everyone to sign up for what they want to do next year!  It should be fun!!!  More details later! :)

Monday, February 27, 2012

Tuesday Lenten Media Fast for Freedom!

Hey friends!  So, I received an email from Gina today about fasting from media on Tuesdays during Lent specifically for our government leaders and our religious freedom.  That means, Emma, no blog posts for me for the next few Tuesdays--not that I have anything great to say anyway!  But read her email below and join in!  (Yes, that would mean postponing NCIS for the night...)

To my brothers and sisters in Christ,

I am sending out an email to invite you to join me in a small Lenten fast. This past 6 months have been a real challenge for me to maintain hope in a world full of despair and brokenness. With this latest HHS mandate (and attack on religious freedom), I have especially felt helpless and discouraged as I feel there is only so much one person can do in such a small sphere of influence. I have been praying very specifically for a conversion of our country and especially for the leadership of our country to recognize the truth that lies at the very foundation of this country - the Judeo/Christian God - the Way, the Truth and the Life and for them to recognize the gift that comes from each and every human life.

"Private prayer is like straw scattered here and there; if you set it on fire, it makes a lot of little flames. But gather these straws into a bundle and light them, and you get a mighty fire, rising like a column into the sky; public prayer is like that." ~ St. John Vianney

We need a mighty fire! If we want to set this world on fire with the Holy Spirit and bring life back into America, we are going to need sacrifices and prayers from MANY!

I am inviting you to join me in a media fast once a week - on Tuesdays - in which I will fast from all media. Of course, I cannot fast from my computer entirely as I would be unable to complete my job, but I will not spend any time on personal email, social online media, or reading up on the news via computer. I will not read the newspaper, watch the news, listen to the radio or read magazines. In my opinion, it would be irresponsible to do this for the entirity of lent since we, as Christians, need to be as educated as possible if we really want to be "dangerous" out in the the world in engaging those around us in relevant and important conversations. However, one day will be enough of a sacrifice where 1) we are free from the discouragement current events can bring and 2) we can offer this sacrifice up as a prayer intention for the conversion of the leadership of this country. I am also offering my rosary and daily prayer specifically for this intention all day so the time I would be spending on social media can be directed toward intentional prayer.

I know this isn't exactly public prayer, but it is a group of God's faithful children defending the Truth on a united front. Will you join me this Lenten season as we pray for a miracle and we pray for the salvation of our country, our families, and the world our children's children will inherit?

Keep fighting the good fight... and may we grow in hope this Lenten season as we await the Resurrection on Easter!

Waiting in joyful hope,


P.S. Please feel free to pass this on to others who might want to join us:)

Happy Lent!

Sunday, February 26, 2012

A great weekend...if I were a grandma!!

So, I had a really wonderful weekend!  Was it filled with friendship and fun?  Not really...  I realized I would make a perfect grandma (no offense, mom). Read on...

On Friday I worked hard in the morning and got some of the things done that I needed to get done in order to leave work a little early.  I left at like 3:00 with hopes of doing some laundry and cleaning up a little.  When I got home I decided to read a bit.  I sat down with Father Elijah.  Hours later...Well, I got a call from Fr. Nielsen's assistant (one of my fellow interns) asking if I could go set up a back altar in St. Paul's cause Father was going to be back by 7:30 and wanted to say Mass.  I said sure.  So, I went and did that, prayed while I waited for Father to show up, and then went home.  My roommate had a few girls over and they were watching LOTR.  I would have joined in, but just really wanted to read.  Then, at like 10:30 I finished my book and went to bed.  (BTW, it was Father Elijah--second time through, just as good!)

Saturday, I woke up and worked from 8-2 (with Mass in there, obvi.).  Then, I started a new book (The Shadow of His Wings--it's the autobiography of a former SS officer, German Army soldier, Franciscan Seminary, etc.  Great story.  Maggie lent it to me years ago and told me to read it.  It was intimidating, or something. But it's actually really great.  Maggie, I'll return it to you when I go home next and you can lend it to someone else.  I hope you haven't been looking for it.  Actually, there's a note in it from Mag to dad saying she things he would really like it!)

Anyway, I'm now 150+ pages into that book.  Today I went to Mass, worked a little, met mom and dad and they gave me pink m&ms all the way from Vegas and then I napped/read.  Tonight my old roommate, Jake, is taking my friends Madeline and Lindsey and me out to supper.  That should be an adventure--maybe even more of an adventure than the rest of the weekend--hopefully I haven't forgotten how to behave in social situations after my weekend of solitude and 350+ pages of reading! :)

So, I could totally be the Rosary praying, Mass going, book reading, nap taking, pink m&m eating grandma!  I'm totally going to be a fun grandma!

Saturday, February 25, 2012

Would you believe me...

...if I said I had nothing to say?

done. and done.

Friday, February 24, 2012

Random Fact of the Day

Let's be real...I googled "Random Catholic facts"...found this, thought Mom might like it.  I'll start saying the prayer:

  • Looking for a spouse?  Pray to Saint Raphael, the Patron Saint of Happy Meetings, advises the Catholic Bishops' Conference of England and Wales: "You were sent by God to guide young Tobias in choosing a good and virtuous spouse. Please help me in this important choice which will affect my whole future."

Prayer For the Choice of a Good Spouse
"Saint Raphael, you were sent by God to guide young Tobias in choosing a good and virtuous spouse. Please help me in this important choice which will affect my whole future. You not only directed Tobias in finding a wife, but you also gave him guidelines which should be foremost in every Christian marriage: Pray together before making important decisions.  Amen"

Oh my... desperate much? hehe

Thursday, February 23, 2012

No Babies and No House...But I Did Cook Three Pig Butts Today!

My blog is not exciting.  I have no small child named Therese.  I haven't just bought a house.  I don't have pictures of pancakes that spell random German words.  But....I did cook three entire pig butts today (okay, most people call them pork butt or pork shoulder, but pig butt is funny...and more awkward).

Anyway, Newman Dinner tonight was pulled pork.  I will never make it again.  I spent all day cooking instead of just 2ish hours.  Well, it wasn't that bad, but still...pretty. gross.

What was the best part?  Probably that I had a one-on-one this morning and what did we do?  Did we talk about Jesus?  A little.  Did we chat about her life over coffee?  Nope.  Did we butcher the pig butt and try and get all the fat off?  You betcha!     Ha, I feel a little bad, but she said she was having fun! :/

Anyway, Newman Dinner was a success again.  Pulled pork, cornbread, homemade coleslaw, sweet potato fries, regular potato fries and apple crisp.  A shout out goes to Paula Dean for the sweet potato fries..mmm, mmm.

That's all I've got in the ever-exciting-I-don't-have-a-baby-or-a-new-house-but-I-still-have-plenty-of-fun-stories-for-you blog!

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Alright, Alright, Lent Has Come and So Has Blogging!

Here's your post pooky-pants (i.e. Emma).

So, today begins Lent.  I got to distribute ashes at noon Mass and 5pm Mass.  At noon, one gentleman said, "thank you" after I put the ashes on his forehead and said, "remember you are dust and to dust you shall return."  It was funny...

Also, I just had a one-on-one with one of my peer-mentees, Claire.  It was fun.  Except, we talked about literally the most random things--which we blame on lack of food today.  Maybe 10-15 minutes of our hour-long convo. has to do with food.  Now, my office has resorted to talking about much fasting like pagans and hypocrites! ;)

At the noon Mass there were probably 275 people and at the 5pm Mass there had to have been almost 400.  7pm is just as packed and 9pm probably will be.  (7am, not quite as packed, but that's expected.)

So, someone just ran up here saying we were out of song sheets--7pm Mass will have contemporary music.  Then, I remembered this happened last year.  We ran out of song sheets before Mass.  We printed more off--Gina Z. was at the copier, I was on the stairs, someone else was in Lower Commons, and another person was in the sacristy.  We would print like two of them off, run them to the next person and then immediately give them to a Mass go-er.  I should have remembered and warned them--my b.

Oh well, that's all for now of this boring nonsense.  Happy Lent!