Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Why working at a Catholic Church is great...

1) Jesus is in the building
2) Your day starts with mandatory prayer
3) There's people checking in on you to make sure you're being good
4) The gentlemen you work with give you flowers on National Women's Day, and just randomly come to community night to give you real (and origami) flowers
5) When you leave town for a funeral, you return to find a card, flowers and chocolate on your desk
6) Most of the people you work with are nice
7) I get paid to do things like read the Bible and go out for coffee with people

I don't know...It's a lame and totally uncomprehensive list...but I fall asleep in morning prayer nearly every day so I need to go to bed now so I can get some sleep!

Also, high of 77 degrees tomorrow. what. the. heck. !

1 comment:

  1. I could have a list very similar if I listed the great things about being married to Phil and living across the street from the church :)
