Wednesday, March 7, 2012

St. Felicity, pray for us...It's my name day!


Sts. Felicity and Perpetua, pray for us!

Felicity and Perpetua, pray for an increase of purity in America especially on Madison's campus.  And, since you are the patrons of expectant mothers, pray for Maggie!
And, Felicity, since you're my Confirmation Saint, pray for me!

(RevocatusSaturus, and Saturninus, pray for us as well--these are the guys that got martyred along with Felicity and Perpetua.)

If you don't know their story, check it out here!


  1. Ah! Happy Feast Day! Sorry I forgot! And that your nephew wasn't born on your Feast Day :)

  2. Oh well, my next niece baby Felicity Jane (or Jane Felicity, I'm really not picky) can be born on my feast day next year! hehe
