Friday, March 1, 2013


Emma!  I figured the most exciting way to let you know what I'm doing next year is to blog about it, am I right!?

Guess what!?  At 5 o'clock today I accepted a job with FOCUS as a campus missionary for the next two years.  Summer training starts on June 1st in Florida!  Nikki's wedding is also June 1st, so I'll be late to training! :)  I'll spend 5 weeks in Florida and then come back to Wisconsin to fundraise until I head to _________? 

I think my second week of training I'll find out where I'm going...North Dakota? Arizona? New Jersey?  So many options.  The only for-sure is that I'll be on a campus and it won't be Madison!

I'm super excited and happy with my decision!  (I also already had four people volunteer to support me...I've got to be almost there, right?!)

Anyway, we're having some people over tonight for "Lenten Lentils" (literally, a lentil supper during Lent!)!!  I should head out so I can be social.  Also, you should see our apartment now vs. 15 minutes ago--pretty amazing transformation!  

Thursday, February 21, 2013

Tomorrow's the Day!!

Hey, hey!  Tomorrow morning we leave for a weekend full of fun and interviews!  

We're leaving right after morning prayer from St. Paul's to go to St. Paul, Minnesota!  I think it's about a 5 hour drive.  We'll get in during the early afternoon and have some time to get settled and maybe hit up the Mall of America!  We meet at 5pm for supper, eat, and then share our 3-5 minute testimony.  Saturday we'll have a holy hour, go to Mass, and have three separate 45-minute interviews.  The evening will have some sort of fun activity.  Sunday we'll have brunch, go to Mass and head home!

Pray for me this weekend that I can figure out if God wants me to do FOCUS or not!

I should probably head to bed since we're meeting at Holy Redeemer tomorrow morning at 6:05 to go to 6:30am Mass at St. Maria Goretti--Libby's parish (see you there, Libby?)!

Oh yeah, I got the best text from Libby tonight: "Good luck on your interview...and I might move to Singapore."   hahaha, that merited a call back and, for the first time ever, she answered her phone when I called!

One more thing, my computer broke....lame!

Sunday, February 10, 2013

Another one?!?!

Really, another picture on official promotional material of me with my mouth open!?

And here's the link to the actual brochure...that's online..and got sent out...

Friday, February 1, 2013

A Great Adventure

Remember that time I accepted a job...with a real salary? and benefits? and vacation? Well, 'tis no more...maybe!

I've been thinking a lot about this job with the development team at St. Paul's.  I talked about my concerns and hesitations and said I was about 95% sure I would take it...unless God clearly wanted something else.  Scott said he would take the "95%" and call it about a "60%" for now.  I'm glad he did that.

On Thursday I went to Panera with the FOCUS team director on our campus, Dan.  Dan was an intern at St. Paul's and now is in his third year with FOCUS.  He asked if I was considering being a missionary, if I was open to it, what my thoughts were, etc.

I said I was thinking about it and had been since I went on SEEK.  I was really happy when he didn't feed me the you-should-be-a-missionary-because-you'd-be-good-at-it line that I've gotten (I don't know...that line just doesn't do it for me).  Well, he said that but followed it up with a "I've heard you say four or five times, 'That makes me want to be a missionary'."  Oh, he's totally right.  It's what I want to do.

I could work 45-55 hours a week sitting at a desk, making mailers to send out, depositing thousands of dollars, doing data entry, Google stalking.  Yes, Google stalking.  In the development world they call it "prospecting"...strangely sounds a little less creepy than stalking--same principle, different name.  It's essentially finding everything you can about a person and who they've ever given any money to and how much it was and making a guess about how much they might give us.  (Which kind of sounds like it might be right up my alley.  It also kind of sounds horrible--as in I think it would get old after I found all the interesting five minutes.)

Anyway... I was thinking about what I would say my biggest concern or reservation about being a missionary would be.  It was easy for me to quickly think of a few for the St. Paul's job.  I had to wrack my brain to come up with this one for FOCUS, "I really really like winter and will be kind of sad if I get sent somewhere that doesn't have a winter."  REALLY? That's all I had. Yes, I would have to raise my salary.  But that doesn't scare me.  If Jesus wants me to be a missionary, he'll help me find the money to live--maybe even enough to start making those car payments to mom and dad again! ;)  I could end up on a team with people who don't get along that well or a campus ministry that doesn't mesh well with FOCUS. (I think I've been living in a dream world at St. Paul's cause everything works so well together...)  But those things don't scare me.  My job would be talking to people about Jesus, leading small groups, hopefully drinking tons of coffee, praying with people, sharing the Gospel...and. so. much. more.  If that doesn't sound like a dream job!?!  Why on earth would I want to sit at a desk for 50 hours a week if I could do all of that?! 

The title of this post is "A Great Adventure".  It's called that because of something Dan said on the way home from SEEK.  He was asking me why I think people don't want to apply to be missionaries.  I didn't really know.  He said he hears all the time--and I've heard too--I want to be a missionary (or intern, etc.) because I want to give back to something that has given me so much.  And, yeah, that can be part of it.  But, if that was all it is, It'd be a bad reason for me... I've put my time in; I think I've paid my dues.  He said people should want to be missionaries because it's a great adventure.  I really want a great adventure. 

If you have any insights, just let me know!  And, prayers would be appreciated.  The interns and Father are praying through the intercession of my girl, St. Philomena, if you want in too! :)

**By the way, I'm working on the application tomorrow and the interview weekend is Feb. 22-24th.

Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Deposits--clearly I'm stalling

So, they put me in charge of deposits halfway through last semester.  I'm waiting for the day I mess up big-time.  They'll say, "What were you thinking?"  And I'll say, "What were you thinking putting me in charge of that. Did you really think that was a good--wait a all?" hehe

Okay, I'm literally stalling.  These names/numbers/addresses aren't going to Google-stalk themselves!

Going for 16!

I'm going for 16 today!  Oh, 16 what, you wonder.  16. hours. of. work.*  Yes, I got to St. Paul's at 6:45 this morning to print some things off and be ready for my 7am meeting.  Then, I worked all day and got home 20 minutes ago (8pm).  And, I have literally 10 pages of data entry from the data-entry-packet-from-hell.  Seriously...I worked on that sucker for two days straight over break and only stopped because I knew I would go crazy if I did any more.  So, pray for me that I can get it done...cause it's been hanging over my head for forever.  And, I think I'll be much happier when it's done.  So, I'm going for 16.  Three hours of data entry and then bed.  Which means I'll have worked 16 hours today--for the pay of what Libby makes on a bathroom break.  Ah, c'est la vie--all for the love of the Kingdom of Heaven! :)

*Note: This 16 hours does include Mass and an hour of morning Adoration, but still...feel sorry for me!

P.S. I did a deposit today.  That means >$10,000 went through my hands...who thought that was a good idea again?

Friday, October 19, 2012

Maybe I'm double-famous...

Not only am I famous here... (thanks Maggie)

But I'm also famous here...

That's from the SEEK 2013 website.  SEEK 2013 is the FOCUS conference website for the conference in Orlando this January.  Apparently I'm just super photogenic for things like this...except not at all because both pictures are totally awkward!  Oh well, so ist das Leben.

Can't wait for the babies/family tomorrow!

Saturday, September 22, 2012

So this giraffe walked into a bar...

Please watch this video.  It changed my life.  We now start every day in upper commons with a movie screening--of this video!

Friday, July 13, 2012

Vintage Earring Holder

Well, I finally made something that I've wanted to make for.ever.  I was sick of digging through my awkward basket of earrings and getting frustrated not finding matches (#firstworldproblems, right?).

Anyway, here it is!

Supplies: Picture frame (I got a nicely stained wooden one with a little design from Walmart for $3), paint, cheap paint brush, napkins (for the vintage look), picture hanging wire*, hot glue, cute earrings.

*I claim no knowledge as to what these supplies actually are called...

Paint the picture frame--I chose white:
In case you wanted to know what kind of paint and paint brush I used.
These cost me nothing since I bought them months ago!

Here's the picture frame painted white but with a little vintage look.

It was simple to give the frame a "vintage" look instead of a freshly painted look.  I just wiped some of the paint off with a napkin after I painted it.  When my roommate got home I did have to ask if it looked vintage or poorly painted.  Thankfully she answered the former.

I also really liked how you could see the design of the picture frame!

Then, take picture hanging wire and cut strands about the width of the picture frame and twist 2 together semi-loosely.

Here's a super-creepy selfie of halfway through twisting the wire.  It doesn't have to be perfect.
The more imperfections the better, right?

I made four strands of twisted wire (so needed 8 cut wires total).  After that it's time to hot glue to the picture frame.

Feel free to take weird pictures while you are waiting an extraordinarily long amount of time for the hot glue gun to warm up.  When it's been ten minutes and it's still not warm, turn the light switch on that controls the outlet it's plugged into.

I learned the less hot glue you use the faster it dries.
However, I go overboard on everything so I just. kept. laying. on. the. glue.

Here's the first string glued on.

Then, add your other strands.  Look at your earring collection to determine your spacing of the strands.  I wanted two rows for studs/short dangly earrings and two rows for bigger earrings.

Here's all four strands glued on.  Again, don't worry about perfection.  If the twisted wires are too tightly twisted or glued on, you won't be able to slide the earrings through the wires.

If you've gotten this far and turn the picture frame over and it doesn't look something like this, let me know because you probably messed up! :)

The. Best. Step.

Add your earrings!

Just slide them through the holes in the wires and set this on your dresser.  Game. Set. Match.  Earring Holder!

Project Cost:
Since I already owned the paint, paint brush, and glue gun the total cost of supplies was under $6.  The frame and picture wire were both about $3.  (I suppose the whole thing cost more since I have, over time, acquired all those great earrings!)

Project Time:
Under an hour.

Seriously. Just do this, it's great!

Plus, I'm going to get some dry-erase markers and turn the glass of the picture frame into a prayer intention board.  Waste free! :)

Wednesday, July 11, 2012

I'm crafting like it's my job!

Get ready for OnePlaneJane to be turned into craft-mania!  It's going to be great.  Maybe I'll throw in a ditty or two about my life.  We shall see.  We shall see.  Welp, back to crafting!  (Get excited, I'm about to have a place to display my earrings!)