Thursday, February 21, 2013

Tomorrow's the Day!!

Hey, hey!  Tomorrow morning we leave for a weekend full of fun and interviews!  

We're leaving right after morning prayer from St. Paul's to go to St. Paul, Minnesota!  I think it's about a 5 hour drive.  We'll get in during the early afternoon and have some time to get settled and maybe hit up the Mall of America!  We meet at 5pm for supper, eat, and then share our 3-5 minute testimony.  Saturday we'll have a holy hour, go to Mass, and have three separate 45-minute interviews.  The evening will have some sort of fun activity.  Sunday we'll have brunch, go to Mass and head home!

Pray for me this weekend that I can figure out if God wants me to do FOCUS or not!

I should probably head to bed since we're meeting at Holy Redeemer tomorrow morning at 6:05 to go to 6:30am Mass at St. Maria Goretti--Libby's parish (see you there, Libby?)!

Oh yeah, I got the best text from Libby tonight: "Good luck on your interview...and I might move to Singapore."   hahaha, that merited a call back and, for the first time ever, she answered her phone when I called!

One more thing, my computer broke....lame!