Thursday, April 14, 2011

Penelope taught me a life lesson

No, not the movie, silly!  But there's a girl named Penelope that's a catechumen and getting ready for her Baptism and Confirmation at the Easter Vigil.  On Monday Shileng asked me if I could meet with her until then.  And I thought, "Sure, what's a couple of meetings?"  I told him I was already meeting with a girl (shoutout to Katie K who I have been meeting with for a couple months) and he's like, "I know.  Can you meet with another one."  And I told him yes.  Then he told me I have to meet with her everyday (well, not everyday, but ALMOST everyday) until the E. Vigil.  Then, in shock, I told him okay and asked what we were supposed to talk about.  He said general catechisis, the old testament, and if I had time a few other things.  And I thought, WHAT THE HECK!?!?  Anyway, I met with her Tuesday and got to know her a little and then yesterday we talked a little about some of the OT up to Abram and Sarai. 

Then, I emailed Fr. Eric this morning to be reminded what exactly I was supposed to be doing.  He said she needs to be able to say the creed with faith at the E. Vigil.  So, talk to her about the Trinity, Incarnation, the Church, general morals, etc.  I was like, oh okay, good thing I have two years--oh wait, I have less than two weeks!   Haa.....hopefully she learns whatever she needs to learn.

Also, I texted Gina when I got the email back from Fr. and she said "Well, it's better than the whole OT."  Agreed.

Now what is this life lesson that Penelope taught me?  "Never brag about having nothing to do because everyone will hear that and ask you to do heaps and heaps of things."

Also, a quick ditty about Katie K who I meet with whose middle name happens to start with a K too.  I told her I thought her email was funny because it's  She said she told her boyfriend that if he married her he could save her from being a white supremacist!  HAHAHAA

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