Monday, April 18, 2011

Best Bachelorette Party Ever

So Laura's bachelorette party was the best party of any kind I've ever been too--at least the most well-planned and well-executed.  We got to her house in Pewaukee between 2:30 and 2:45.  When we arrived we signed the waivers for paintballing so that we didn't have to do it once we got there.

Then we headed to Mukwonago for a few hours to paintball.  I had done it once before for FLOW in high school and didn't really like it that much.  But, had SOOOO much fun on Saturday.  The place was this huge warehouse and we were able to play inside too.  Laura had a veil with a crown on and also a sash that said "bride."  All of the sudden I realized how much the situation of us waiting around for our masks and guns reminded me of "My Big Redneck Wedding" TV show.  I felt the need to share it with Laura and she agreed!  Hilarious.

Anywho, we paintballed for a couple hours and here was the results:

After paintballing we headed to Lauren and Alison's house (they are Laura's life-long BFF's who are twins and did all the planning of the party) where we ate mashed potatoes from Culver's (Laura's favorite!) and a lot of other food.  Then we played some Michael Jackson Experience on the Wii and a fun game for the bride-to-be...I won't tell you about it because I think it's a great game to play for Emma's Bachelorette party someday! :)

At 9:00 we headed off to the next activity--a treasure hunt for Laura.  They had this extensive treasure hunt set up that started with a clue that led Laura to a swing in their backyard that she made them for their 21st birthday's and then to her Church, High School, a park, favorite ice cream place, a bar and finally to her house.  At Bubba's, the ice cream place, the twins had everything set up and Laura's previous clue had a gift certificate in it and it said she had to order the exact dessert or she wouldn't get her next clue.  Anyway, she knew just what to order and the cashier handed her the next clue--so cute!

The last clue led her to her bedroom where a present and card were sitting on her bed.  She brought it back down and opened it.  It was a Bible (from all of us) with her new (future) name embossed on it and a love letter from her groom in it.  So stinkin' cute!!!!  The first stops were at places and things from her childhood and the scavenger hunt ended with God and Andy.
Then, we hung out in her basement, watched a movie and went to bed.  I was exhausted.  On Sunday morning, I had to wake up early and leave by 7 so that I could get home in time for work.  I gave Laura's freshman/sophomore-year roommate a ride home too because it was her 5th anniversary with her boyfriend and he had a whole day planned for them.  Right before I headed over to the library to write this I saw Laura and learned that the day included a proposal (for marriage) from her boyfriend!  :)


  1. I thought you meant it included a proposal for Laura and thought she might have been jumping the gun a bit with the bachelorette party...

  2. who knew culver's had mashed potatoes?

  3. This is a good common sense Blog. Very helpful to one who is just finding the resources about this part. It will certainly help educate me.
