Thursday, April 14, 2011

I Like Your Shoes

I just need to tell a quick story about Katie mentioned in this post.  I had been asked if I would meet with her (again, since I bragged about having nothing to do) and said yes.  We corresponded via email and decided to meet in the half hour between 6pm Mass and her RCIA class at 7:30.  I facebook stalked her prior to the meeting so I knew what she looked like.  Then, after Mass I went into the Lower Commons at St. Paul's where we had decided to meet and hung around.  I didn't see a girl anywhere that looked like the girl I facebook stalked.  There was one girl kind of hanging around talking to a couple people and she even complimented me on my shoes.  Well, 7:30 rolled around, I figured we weren't going to meet so I went home.

I don't know if it was on the walk home or days later that I realized that the girl who complimented me was Katie.  CAN YOU SAY "AWKWARD!"? I emailed her and asked if she was who I thought she was and, indeed, she was.  We added each other to facebook and met at a coffee shop next time--all awkwardness was avoided.  Thankfully, the story is just hilarious.  We tell new people we meet that it was our first "non-meeting".  

I'm so awkward.

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