Friday, March 1, 2013


Emma!  I figured the most exciting way to let you know what I'm doing next year is to blog about it, am I right!?

Guess what!?  At 5 o'clock today I accepted a job with FOCUS as a campus missionary for the next two years.  Summer training starts on June 1st in Florida!  Nikki's wedding is also June 1st, so I'll be late to training! :)  I'll spend 5 weeks in Florida and then come back to Wisconsin to fundraise until I head to _________? 

I think my second week of training I'll find out where I'm going...North Dakota? Arizona? New Jersey?  So many options.  The only for-sure is that I'll be on a campus and it won't be Madison!

I'm super excited and happy with my decision!  (I also already had four people volunteer to support me...I've got to be almost there, right?!)

Anyway, we're having some people over tonight for "Lenten Lentils" (literally, a lentil supper during Lent!)!!  I should head out so I can be social.  Also, you should see our apartment now vs. 15 minutes ago--pretty amazing transformation!  

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