Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Biking For Babies

Hey All!

Yesterday 5 bikers started biking in Louisiana and are biking to Champaign, IL to raise money for pro-life charities!  It's like 800 miles and they're taking 7 or 8 days to do this bike ride--say what?!  It's called Biking for Babies.  Anyway, one of the riders has been a FOCUS missionary at St. Paul's in Madison for the past two years (he's from Iowa and his house is where I went for that Catholic Conference in the fall) and is headed down to Texas next year to continue his FOCUS career.  Another rider goes to school here.  His name is Kevin and he is Nikki's boyfriend.  (I only say that because Nikki came to mom and dad's house for the discipleship sleepover so mom, dad and Maggie may remember her!)  Anyway, check out the website; buy a t-shirt and donate some money! :)

They're trying to raise 15,000 buckaroos for pro-life charities.  One of these is the future Women's Care Center which will be across the street from the Planned Parenthood in Madison (formerly the Our Lady of Victory Building).  That will be super exciting when that opens so women who are going in for abortions see the hope across the street and just may choose life!

As Emma is walking across the country this summer, there are three more groups from Crossroads walking, 5 people biking (nearly) across the country, and many many more witnessing to life.  So beautiful!

So, add prayers for the safety of the bikers to your prayers of safety for all the Crossroad's walkers for the next week or so.  Anyway, check out the website to see videos and blogs from their trip!

St. Padre Pio, patron of the unborn, pray for us!

1 comment:

  1. I will pray for you. Thank you for bringing awareness!
