Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Io vado la città del Papa per il weekend...

I'm going to the city of the Pope this weekend!!! Our program is taking us to Rome leaving early tomorrow morning. 7:30 to be exact. I'm getting up in 6 hours! Ahh. I'm super excited and just thought I'd drop a little note to let everyone know what I'm up to now. We are going on so many tours and stuff...this trip will focuse a lot more on the ancient Rome stuff--of course we are going to the Vatican museums, St. Peter's, and the Sistine chapel--but we are also doing all the stuff that Maggie told me I should do now so we don't have to do it when she and Phil come!

Today Ashley, Ashley, Diana, Tessa and I helped plan our friend Laura's life. It's the time of year where we have to register for classes and Laura is a first semester junior with no major. We ran reports with possible majors and told her what she would need for each major. It was so much fun as the 5 of us who helped are quite in love with the timetable and class schedules, etc. I signed up for classes today and got all of the classes I need for Communicative Disorders. (I'm also in a Wisconsin Folklore class right now!) I think I may try to get into a Stats or Computer Science class that I need, but we'll see.

Anyway, it's off to bed then Roma...buona notta! :)

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

My life back in school...

March 4, 2011: I have no idea why this post was not originally posted a year-and-a-half ago when I wrote it. :)

Fall break has come and gone and it's been about a week and a half since I've returned. I'm feeling better but still have a sore throat. There are some unused rooms here at the villa above the kitchen which have been termed the "quarentine" rooms. One girl is actually stuck there because she has the flu. She's not allowed to come to meals, go to classes, etc. That would stink...I'm avoiding the quarentine rooms at all costs!

Classes are truckin' along. I think I'm down to four weeks of classes and finals week. It's going scary fast! My internship with the bambini is going well--I think I've written before about how I go "teach" English to little Italian children once a week...I say "teach" because we actually only play games or do activities! Last week, we did MadLibs. They absolutely loved it. The only problem is I forgot these fourth graders don't know past tense and perfect past and present progressive and all of those verb forms...the teach had to translate the story into Italian so they knew what was going on, but it was great!

Last weekend was a relaxing weekend. Thursday night a bunch of Villains (as we like to call ourselves) gathered and played sardines--or reverse hide-and-go-seek. It was so fun because, as you can imagine, this villa is huge! We are going to play again, but with better boundaries set and more rules. Also, we want to play a large game of Clue, like a murder mystery party, but we have yet to figure out how to go about that. I'm going to look into it soon! Friday I got up and made lunch and had breakfast and then went back to bed--until noon!!! It was great; I haven't slept in in forever. My friend Laura came up to my room about 12:30 and had just woken up too. Most of the Villains were in a town called Prato for the morning with Prof. Mariotti. I never signed up for it, so I didn't go. Laura, Ashley and I watched the movie P.S. I Love You in the early afternoon and by the time it was done, everyone was back from Prato. Friday night we watched another movie, Twilight. Saturday Laura and I went into Florence. We went to the Boboli gardens which were beautiful, but then it started raining. Laura didn't dress for the elements at all...she was wearing a short sleeved shirt. So, we were pretty cold and decided to go to the Accademia to warm up. We wanted to sit behind the David and listen to what people had to say about him. One person mentioned something that most art historians, including Prof. Mariotti, don't agree with. We wanted to correct him, but knew that would be rude!

Halloween on a boat, in Stockholm...

The morning we left for Stockholm, I was feeling a little sick but nothing too bad. My muscles were really sore which I thought was odd, but it was alright. We got to Stockholm and did the age-old routine of walking and finding our hostel. This time, it was about a 45 minute walk to our hostel and thankfully we had that GPS. As the title suggests and previous posts mentioned, our hostel was a boat. It was fun! We checked in and made our beds and then headed out for, you guessed it, some food! Amanda had heard of an Irish pub in Stockholm so we went to check that out.

The weather was in the 40s but didn't seem that cold! (Boy, were we wrong!) We found this pub and there was a guy checking coats. I was so cold and didn't want to give him my fleece. He also wanted the equivalent of 2 Euro in Swedish Crowns for our coats. Amanda said she wasn't going to pay because she didn't want to give him her fleece in the first place. He said, "fine fine, for free." And so we were basically forced by this guy to give up our coats. I said "but I'm going to freeze" he assured me I would be fine. Supper was about the point I realized that the sore muscles and feeling sick wasn't going to go away. Throughout all of supper I was freezing (onset of a fever!) I did have some delicious cajun chicken strips and then got some tea because I was soooooooooo cold. Anyway, they wanted to do some shopping afterwards so we went to H&M where I proceeded to buy a sweatshirt and a pair of mittens because i was that cold. I also really wasn't feeling well and just wanted to go to bed.

After a while of shopping and walking around we went back to the hostel where we met the French, Austrailian and Grecian men staying with us in our hostel room. We talked for a while and I laid down. Then we played some more cards. Abe went back out to get some Chinese food later while the three of us stayed in the hostel. At this point I felt terrible. I don't think I've had a fever in many years and have decided that I don't like them. I just wanted to go to bed. So, I tried. But, I was so cold that I eventually fell asleep with my teeth chattering. (And, of course, woke up all night sweating....)

Anyway, the next day (Halloween) I didn't feel much better but didn't want to sit in the hostel all day alone. We actually slept in a little and ended up leaving about 10am. I was so out of it that I left and tried reading the hostel sign and couldn't see what it said, at which point I realized that I hadn't put my contacts in. hah. Anyway, all we did all day was walk around. It was a great way to see the city. Around lunch time I was ready for a nap or at least to sit down. We finally found a place...Italian food! One day before returning to Italy! What a terrible idea. But, I had a pizza with chicken, pineapple and...BANANAS! was the strangest idea but I liked it a lot.

After lunch we wandered some more and shopped some more. I don't really remember what else happened, but I know it gets dark there by 4pm, at which point your body tells you it must be bedtime! It was Saturday night and we were going to be traveling all day Sunday so we found a church for me to go to. Actually Laura and Amanda found it because my brain was not working and I definitely couldn't figure out how a blackberry works. I went and it was fun! I sat next to someone who I was pretty sure was an English speaker if only for the fact that we shooks hands at the sign of piece only to look at everyone else who was bowing at eachother with their hands folded. It was funny! Anyway, after mass she asked if I was an English speaker and then talked to me about the "Legions of Mary" which she was trying to get started in Stockholm. She and a friend were from London where they were members there and she told me to look it up when I get back to thet states. It was fun! After mass we headed back to the hostel and Amanda, Laura, and I didn't want to brave the cold again. Abe eventually went out for Chinese food..again.

We left early in the morning for the adventure back to Italy. Stockholm was a very pretty, clean city. I like it a lot and think had I not been walking around in a haze I would have liked it even more. Definitely a place to visit again.

München, ich liebe dich!

Munich, a wonderful city...we began our tour of Munich by arriving at the airport at about 1:00. Then we had a 1.5 hour bus ride into the city. The bus ride cost 18 Euro and that was a lot; we thought maybe a taxi would be cheaper. I knew it was on me to ask since I was the only one who spoke an German. I went up and asked, "Wie viel kostet...a Munich, i mean München...." I couldn't remember the German word for "to" (nach) so I used Italian (a). Then he told me and told us that if we had 8 people it would be 18.75 Euro per person. While, we only had four people and the bus was still cheaper, so the bus it was. I said "grazie" and started to walk away only to realize "grazie" is quite Italian and not German at all so I turned back and yelled "danke" over my shoulder.

AFter arriving at the Hauptbahnhof (main train station) we began the familiar routine of finding the hostel and checking in. The hostel was actually really close to the train station so it was easy to find. We checked in, made our beds and headed out to find something to eat. We hadn't an idea of where to go so we started walking. After a long time, I realized that was ridiculous and we would never just stumble upon somewhere we would eat. Mostly because we were not in teh main touristy area so most places only had German menus which was an issue because I didn't bring my dictionary from the hostel and Abe is Jewish so he doesn't eat pork. I had no idea what the word for pork was! Anyway, my awesome navigation skills eventually got us to the Viktuelienmmarkt which was something like a farmer's market with a beer garden. Laura, Amanda and I got brats and Amanda and I got good, German beer! Then we played some cards and eventually shared a big German pretzel..yum!

After that we walked around and saw the Marienplatz and some other things. We wanted to do laundry and so we headed back to the hostel kind of early. After doing our laundry we headed to bed. We got up early the next morning to go to Dachau, the concentration camp just outside of Munich. We spend a majority of the day there going on a guided tour and in the museum. It was such a learning experience and a I enjoyed seems weird to say I enjoyed that, but whatever!

Anyway, after our lovely guided tour from Franz and some more museum time, we were ready to catch a train back to Munich. We went back to the hostel to rest a minute then headed back out for supper. I really wanted to go to the Hofbräuhaus and they didn't care so I led them there. We walked in and I thought it would take us hours to find a table...but one walk around the large building and we had one! I had some delicious pork dish that was sooooo tasty. We also had more good, German beer.

After supper it was pretty late so we headed back to the hostel. We had to get up early the next morning to go to Stockholm so we went to bed early. We got to the bus stop to take us to the airport in what we thought was plenty of time to get to the airport. But, we hadn't actually looked at schedules and had forgotten how long of a ride it was, etc. so Amanda was freaking out that we would miss our flight. I figured we would be alright. Well, actually, I figured either we'd make it or we wouldn't and there wasn't any senese in freaking out. We got to the airport with like 30 minutes to spare so we thought we'd have to rush through security. It turns out, which we didn't notice upon arrival to the airport, it competes in size with Alexander Field, the Wisconsin Rapids airport. It was such a small airport and took us about 3 minutes to go through security and get to the gate. Also, our flight boarded late so it didn't matter anyway. Thus ended our German adventure.

They really do drive on the wrong side of the road...

I originally thought everyone in Europe drove on the opposite side of the road. Then, I went to Germany and was proven wrong. I started believing that maybe it was all a lie and no one actually drove on the opposite side of the road. And then I went to London...and Dublin. It was so great. Immediately after disembarking the plane we got on a bus, and the door was on the left side where the steering wheal should have been. I loved it.

Also, written all over the crosswalks in both cities was directions on which way to look it said "look left" or "look right" and pointed to the corresponding direction. We nearly got hit numerous times! It was funny because everything you were ever taught about which way to look before crossing the street--something we don't even think about anymore--was called into question and changed. I would look at the commands of which way to check for traffic but wouldn't believe them because it felt all wrong. I would eventually have to look left then right and left and right again before crossing, just to make sure. My mind was so confused. But everything was okay because steering wheels were on the right side of cars!

Ireland, the land o' me mother

Monday morning it was time to head to Dublin. We could have flown from London to Dublin, but we decided to take the ferry. We also picked the cheeper one that took two hours longer. We board the ferry to find out it is a cruise ship (basically) filled with dining halls, lounges, bars, and a movie theater. The Imaginarium of Doctor Parnassus (the film Heath Ledger was filming when he died) was playing in the theater and we considered watching that but went to get lunch first. It turns out the ferry wasn't quite a cruise ship in that I started feeling sick right away and could feel the boat moving. At this point, I thought the movie was a great idea. So, we went to that. It was good, although quite strage...

When it was over it was nearly Dublin time! We had to take a bus to the city center and then started walking to find our hostel. (Amanda had a blackberry with gps on it that helped us navigate quite frequently!) We found our hostel, checked in, and headed out to find a place for supper. We had looked at at least 20 menus before picking a pub. Amanda and I shared a pretty decent burger. Then, we walked around for a while, checked out the river and the temple bar area (very touristy), got a Guinness then went to the hostel and called it a night.

The next day we woke up and had breakfast in the hostel. Then we started walking around without any clear plans for the day. We saw Christ Church Cathedral and St. Patrick's Cathedral (both from the outside since it cost a few euro to get in and I think my friends were pretty churched-out). We found a park and a playground and went on the swings for a while. For lunch we found this great little place with a "3 course" meal and pop for around 7 euro. I had spanish meatballs, fries, and nachos. It was really just a little bowl of each, like a sample...but it was delicious nonetheless! After lunch we walked some more then headed to the Guinness factory. We had alredy made reservations so getting our tickets went smoothly and we headed in to the factory. It wasn't like a normal, Wisconsin brewery tour in that it was self guided and you didn't actually get to see the production of Guinness. But, again, fun nonetheless. With the ticket you get one free pint of Guinness either on the top floor of the brewery or on the fourth floor where you would be taught how to pour the perfect pint of Guinness. Of course, we opted for learning how to pour Guinness. It was pretty difficult, but now I know all the tricks (for example, it can only be poured in a very clean Guinness glass and the beer must be 6 degrees celcius)...anyway, I'll give you more pointers if you're interested. I know have a certificate that says "Jane Voelker has crafted the perfect pint of Guinnesss." I thought I should apply to work at a bar in Madison when I get back and attach that to the application! (I tried to upload a photo, but it wouldn't work....Italian Internet...)

Anyway, after the tour we went to the "Queen of Tarts" bakery that Amanda's friend recommended where I had yet another fabulous cupcake! Then we stopped at a souvenir shop to look for claddagh rings. I decided that I wanted to get one and Amanda wanted one too (although she's Mexican she grew up in the South? side of Chicago with tons of Irish people! haha) We finally found a cute one and she said it was bad luck to buy your own claddagh ring, so we bought each others!

Then we went back to the hostel to make free phone calls back to the states. I called home and Emma answered. We talked for a while since no one else was home and then I hung up and went upstairs for a nap. Well, actually they only had one phone so we had to go one at a time. While I was waiting for Abe and Amanda to get done I lived out part of my worst nightmare. I think this hostel may have doubled as a middle school or orphanage. We were in the common room and there were 9 middle schoolers gathered around a computer laughing at facebook. 2 middle schoolers playing guitar and singing. Another group of middle school boys playing bloody knuckles and a group thinking they were cool drinking some sort of low-alcohol content beer. Everyone was screaming and it was a nightmare. Needless to say, after a few minutes I went and waited on the bench outside for them to finish.

After naptime we went out for supper. We did the same ol' look at 3000 menus before picking a place, but finally agreed upon something. The next morning we were leaving early for Munich so we headed to bed at a decent hour.

Oh, we also got offered cocaine. A man asked if we wanted some and we said, "no thanks!" Then he proceeded to show us his hand filled with little balls? of cocaine and asked if we were sure. Then, we ran. Dublin disappointed me a bit. I thought there was going to be pots o' gold and leprechauns everywhere. (Not to mention I thought I would see "Houlihan" written everywhere, but I didn't see it once!) But, instead there were tons of homeless people and lots of trash everywhere. I think next time I visit Ireland I will stear clear of Dublin and go to the countryside or to Kerry county, the actual land of me mother, right? Anyway, it was a fun trip, but too short! And before I knew it, we were off to Munich, another land o' me forefathers.

Wednesday, November 4, 2009


Ciao miei belli amici! I suppose it's time to write a bit about London, or Londra as we say here. Our new flight was scheduled for Saturday morning at 10am. We were planning on leaving the villa at 5:15. Abe came and woke me up at 5:00--apparently I turned off my alarm--so I didn't get to shower. Anyway, we traveled to Pisa then got to the airport a little over 2 hours prior to our flight. The flight went well and we landed in London, FINALLY! Anyway, sparring you the boring details, we found our hostel...The Walrus. I picked that hostel because first, I think the walrus is a funny animal and secondly, I like the Beatles song that is was named after. Anyway, we tossed our stuff on our beds and headed out to get supper and explore the town.

With our limited time in Londra, we did a lot. We traveled by the tube to save time and get to most of the things we wanted to see. Here's a list of the wonderful things we saw in Londra (and keep in mind, we had like 30 hours to do this all):

-Hard Rock Cafe vault tour (we saw all sorts of great rock memorabilia stored in a vault under the gift shop).
-Met up with Amanda's friend who's studying in London and went out to a restaurant.
-Walked a lot, got a little lost.
-Mass, in English, which was a pleasant change.
-Saw the Notting Hill neighborhood and had amazing cupcakes there.
-Harry Potter's platform 9 3/4
-Abbey Road and the recording studio, from the outside. Of course, we took the signature Abbey Road picture.
-Cabinet War Rooms (This was the underground "lair" of all British operations during WWII. It was a great museum with a lot of cool stuff to see, and a lot of information about Churchhill.)
-Imperial War Museum (We only got to this a half hour before it closed...and it's a huge museum. This was a little sad; next time I'm in London I think I would reserve at least a half a day in the building, if not more, to see everything. It's also free!)
-A few meals
-Saw Big Ben
-Rode lots of escalators
-Saw Buckingham palace; we were there on the wrong day to be able to see the changing of the guards, but that's okay.
-Saw some sort of London Royal Navy Parade type thing--we still aren't really sure what it was.
-Got close to the guards. (No, mom, I didn't try and make them laugh like I've always wanted to. But, I'm planning an attack for next time I'm in London because I will make them laugh. I was just a little thrown off/scared of their large guns.)
-Walked around St. James Park and took tons of beautiful pictures, even some with a giant pelican that was sitting in the middle of the path.

This is all I can think of for now--and it's lunch time. But, I'll update the list if I recall anything else. London was great and I'll definitely go back there!

Oh, and did you know they drive on the wrong side of the road. But more on that after the Dublin post (because they do that there too!).

Sunday, November 1, 2009

Safe and Sound in Italy!

I thought I'd drop a quick update to let y'all know that I am safe and sound in Florence. I had quite the week of traveling and lots of "hurry up and wait" experiences as we like to call them around the Voelker household. I'll be posting about each city over the next couple of days; probably sooner rather than later seeing as how I have copious amounts of work that I need to do this week! :) Well, I'm kind of tired from the trip and not sure where to start with the posting (obviously, I'll start with London)...but my brain really isn't working right now. I guess I'll have to turn that ol' brain back on before class tomorrow. A domani!