Tuesday, November 10, 2009

My life back in school...

March 4, 2011: I have no idea why this post was not originally posted a year-and-a-half ago when I wrote it. :)

Fall break has come and gone and it's been about a week and a half since I've returned. I'm feeling better but still have a sore throat. There are some unused rooms here at the villa above the kitchen which have been termed the "quarentine" rooms. One girl is actually stuck there because she has the flu. She's not allowed to come to meals, go to classes, etc. That would stink...I'm avoiding the quarentine rooms at all costs!

Classes are truckin' along. I think I'm down to four weeks of classes and finals week. It's going scary fast! My internship with the bambini is going well--I think I've written before about how I go "teach" English to little Italian children once a week...I say "teach" because we actually only play games or do activities! Last week, we did MadLibs. They absolutely loved it. The only problem is I forgot these fourth graders don't know past tense and perfect past and present progressive and all of those verb forms...the teach had to translate the story into Italian so they knew what was going on, but it was great!

Last weekend was a relaxing weekend. Thursday night a bunch of Villains (as we like to call ourselves) gathered and played sardines--or reverse hide-and-go-seek. It was so fun because, as you can imagine, this villa is huge! We are going to play again, but with better boundaries set and more rules. Also, we want to play a large game of Clue, like a murder mystery party, but we have yet to figure out how to go about that. I'm going to look into it soon! Friday I got up and made lunch and had breakfast and then went back to bed--until noon!!! It was great; I haven't slept in in forever. My friend Laura came up to my room about 12:30 and had just woken up too. Most of the Villains were in a town called Prato for the morning with Prof. Mariotti. I never signed up for it, so I didn't go. Laura, Ashley and I watched the movie P.S. I Love You in the early afternoon and by the time it was done, everyone was back from Prato. Friday night we watched another movie, Twilight. Saturday Laura and I went into Florence. We went to the Boboli gardens which were beautiful, but then it started raining. Laura didn't dress for the elements at all...she was wearing a short sleeved shirt. So, we were pretty cold and decided to go to the Accademia to warm up. We wanted to sit behind the David and listen to what people had to say about him. One person mentioned something that most art historians, including Prof. Mariotti, don't agree with. We wanted to correct him, but knew that would be rude!

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