Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Halloween on a boat, in Stockholm...

The morning we left for Stockholm, I was feeling a little sick but nothing too bad. My muscles were really sore which I thought was odd, but it was alright. We got to Stockholm and did the age-old routine of walking and finding our hostel. This time, it was about a 45 minute walk to our hostel and thankfully we had that GPS. As the title suggests and previous posts mentioned, our hostel was a boat. It was fun! We checked in and made our beds and then headed out for, you guessed it, some food! Amanda had heard of an Irish pub in Stockholm so we went to check that out.

The weather was in the 40s but didn't seem that cold! (Boy, were we wrong!) We found this pub and there was a guy checking coats. I was so cold and didn't want to give him my fleece. He also wanted the equivalent of 2 Euro in Swedish Crowns for our coats. Amanda said she wasn't going to pay because she didn't want to give him her fleece in the first place. He said, "fine fine, for free." And so we were basically forced by this guy to give up our coats. I said "but I'm going to freeze" he assured me I would be fine. Supper was about the point I realized that the sore muscles and feeling sick wasn't going to go away. Throughout all of supper I was freezing (onset of a fever!) I did have some delicious cajun chicken strips and then got some tea because I was soooooooooo cold. Anyway, they wanted to do some shopping afterwards so we went to H&M where I proceeded to buy a sweatshirt and a pair of mittens because i was that cold. I also really wasn't feeling well and just wanted to go to bed.

After a while of shopping and walking around we went back to the hostel where we met the French, Austrailian and Grecian men staying with us in our hostel room. We talked for a while and I laid down. Then we played some more cards. Abe went back out to get some Chinese food later while the three of us stayed in the hostel. At this point I felt terrible. I don't think I've had a fever in many years and have decided that I don't like them. I just wanted to go to bed. So, I tried. But, I was so cold that I eventually fell asleep with my teeth chattering. (And, of course, woke up all night sweating....)

Anyway, the next day (Halloween) I didn't feel much better but didn't want to sit in the hostel all day alone. We actually slept in a little and ended up leaving about 10am. I was so out of it that I left and tried reading the hostel sign and couldn't see what it said, at which point I realized that I hadn't put my contacts in. hah. Anyway, all we did all day was walk around. It was a great way to see the city. Around lunch time I was ready for a nap or at least to sit down. We finally found a place...Italian food! One day before returning to Italy! What a terrible idea. But, I had a pizza with chicken, pineapple and...BANANAS!...it was the strangest idea but I liked it a lot.

After lunch we wandered some more and shopped some more. I don't really remember what else happened, but I know it gets dark there by 4pm, at which point your body tells you it must be bedtime! It was Saturday night and we were going to be traveling all day Sunday so we found a church for me to go to. Actually Laura and Amanda found it because my brain was not working and I definitely couldn't figure out how a blackberry works. I went and it was fun! I sat next to someone who I was pretty sure was an English speaker if only for the fact that we shooks hands at the sign of piece only to look at everyone else who was bowing at eachother with their hands folded. It was funny! Anyway, after mass she asked if I was an English speaker and then talked to me about the "Legions of Mary" which she was trying to get started in Stockholm. She and a friend were from London where they were members there and she told me to look it up when I get back to thet states. It was fun! After mass we headed back to the hostel and Amanda, Laura, and I didn't want to brave the cold again. Abe eventually went out for Chinese food..again.

We left early in the morning for the adventure back to Italy. Stockholm was a very pretty, clean city. I like it a lot and think had I not been walking around in a haze I would have liked it even more. Definitely a place to visit again.

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