Sunday, February 26, 2012

A great weekend...if I were a grandma!!

So, I had a really wonderful weekend!  Was it filled with friendship and fun?  Not really...  I realized I would make a perfect grandma (no offense, mom). Read on...

On Friday I worked hard in the morning and got some of the things done that I needed to get done in order to leave work a little early.  I left at like 3:00 with hopes of doing some laundry and cleaning up a little.  When I got home I decided to read a bit.  I sat down with Father Elijah.  Hours later...Well, I got a call from Fr. Nielsen's assistant (one of my fellow interns) asking if I could go set up a back altar in St. Paul's cause Father was going to be back by 7:30 and wanted to say Mass.  I said sure.  So, I went and did that, prayed while I waited for Father to show up, and then went home.  My roommate had a few girls over and they were watching LOTR.  I would have joined in, but just really wanted to read.  Then, at like 10:30 I finished my book and went to bed.  (BTW, it was Father Elijah--second time through, just as good!)

Saturday, I woke up and worked from 8-2 (with Mass in there, obvi.).  Then, I started a new book (The Shadow of His Wings--it's the autobiography of a former SS officer, German Army soldier, Franciscan Seminary, etc.  Great story.  Maggie lent it to me years ago and told me to read it.  It was intimidating, or something. But it's actually really great.  Maggie, I'll return it to you when I go home next and you can lend it to someone else.  I hope you haven't been looking for it.  Actually, there's a note in it from Mag to dad saying she things he would really like it!)

Anyway, I'm now 150+ pages into that book.  Today I went to Mass, worked a little, met mom and dad and they gave me pink m&ms all the way from Vegas and then I napped/read.  Tonight my old roommate, Jake, is taking my friends Madeline and Lindsey and me out to supper.  That should be an adventure--maybe even more of an adventure than the rest of the weekend--hopefully I haven't forgotten how to behave in social situations after my weekend of solitude and 350+ pages of reading! :)

So, I could totally be the Rosary praying, Mass going, book reading, nap taking, pink m&m eating grandma!  I'm totally going to be a fun grandma!


  1. 1) I think I gave the book to Dad. He should read it next :)

    2) I have always been grandma-like. I go to Mass, pray the rosary, take naps, and read. (Sometimes I wonder how I have time to read, but I just finished Michael O'Brien's newest book - A Father's Tale - which is 1074 pages.) Hopefully I can still do all these things when Joseph is here...

  2. Can I borrow that? I want to read it soo soo badly!
