Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Ash Wednesday--Face tattoos and awkward moments

Hey all!  Happy Lent! :)

First, Emma posted today about the high mass attendence at Ash Wednesday Mass.  The same phenomenon happens here.  St. Paul's have 5 Masses all with ridiculous attendence.  7am--probably 100 or so; noon--a couple hundred; 5pm--400; 7pm-400; 9pm? (It's only 9:30!).   So that totals a ridiculous amount. The chapel is bursting full with people sitting in aisles and wherever they can find a spot.  Fr. Sternberg gave a great homily about how not going to Mass until Easter again or something like not praying until next year is not going to work.  (He said this much more eloquently all while relating it to the Elve's songs in Lord of the Rings!)  Hopefully there were some conversions!

Second, I'd like to share two stories about what happened today.  To preface both, though I didn't go to Mass until 7pm, I got some ashes before morning prayer this morning so I could walk around and remind people about Ash Wednesday.

1)  I went to Woodman's (grocery store) with a friend to shop for the Newman Dinner on Thursday nights at St. Paul's.  I was walking to get some extra mayo and this little girl--probably about 5-years-old--says, "I like your face tattoo."  I said, "ahhh, thanks!?"  (I'm a little slow on the uptake and didn't actually realize what she was talking about until it was too late.)  Anyway, I hear her mom say as I walk away, "What did you say?" (Child Repeats her compliment.)  Mom, "No you don't, don't say that."  Now, I don't think the mom saw it was ashes and I'm pretty certain she thought I had a face tattoo and was warning her little girl not to get one--or she hates Christians.  Either way, extremely hilarious!

2)  I walked around campus with Gina (FOCUS missionary) and Lisa (roommate) today with signs that said things like, "Get your ash to Mass" (ha, witty) and the Mass times.  We were standing on one part of campus, staitionary, as it was in-between class time.  Gina was asking people if they were Catholic and responding appropriately based on their response.  Upon Gina's inquiry, this guy says, "Ahh...Well...I mean, my parents are Catholic...ahh.."   I think I then said, "Well you could still go to Mass!"  At this point, said gentleman gets awkwardly close to my face and says,  "Well, can I just have some of yours."  (I have NO idea what he is talking about and say nothing, meanwhile, Gina and Lisa are thinking don't say "yes", he's going to awkwardly nuzzle your forhead or something...)  Before I have time to process what is happening, he takes his finger, traces my ashes, and then puts them on his head.  And now, he knows, he is dust and to dust he shall return.

Peace and love!


  1. haha...awesome!

    ...and you just wanted to see if you knew how to link to other posts. :)

  2. I think the mom thought that you had a big birthmark or something on your face and she didn't want her daughter to draw unwanted attention to it :) I'm waiting for the day when Therese says something like, "look, mom, a Bill Cosby" and I have to scramble to figure out what to say in response....I'm sure there will be plenty of awkward times like that.
