Saturday, March 12, 2011

Hockey and a Gem

I just got back from the Badger Women's hockey game and they just won.  In the playoffs.  They beat Duluth.  Anyway, my friend Alev plays and she did awesomely.  Gina and I made signs for the game.  

One said:
 "Roses are red, violets are blue, the badgers are red too"

The other said (by the way, Alev's last name is Kelter, just so you know what the sign was about):
"'Kelter' putting the 'B.A.' in Badgers since 2009"
They were a real hit.  We even got them signed by her for when she's famous!

Also, I was stumbling around Facebook when I stumbled upon this gem, enjoy:


  1. please take it off...or i will hack it and take it off myself.

  2. you'd have to know her icq number to do that!

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. wow....a threat...fine....I'll find a better one
