Friday, March 4, 2011

The much anticipated arrival!

March 4th, 2011: Reminiscing about my Roman Christmas.

When you fly into Fiumicino airport in Rome you have to take the Leonardo Express train about a half hour ride into the train station in Rome to get downtown. Maggie and Phil were set to arrive at some-time a.m. and I took the metro to the train station to meet them at the pre-determined time. I was, yet again, a little early.

It was cold, again, but thankfully I brought Jane Austen with me so I stood around and read for a while. I couldn't really go anywhere because I didn't want to miss Maggie and Phil--mostly because I was afraid they would have to try and find the convent by themselves. Well, the pre-determined time came and went. I wandered around the train station a bit, went and bought some hand soap since our room at the convent didn't have any. Checked out a bookstore for a while. Bought some croissants for Maggie and Phil in case they were hungry when they arrived. Read a little more. Tried to stay warm. Well, I best stop giving such a detailed account of fear of boring you even more!

It was a strange feeling waiting because I had no idea when they were going to arrive since they didn't come when they were supposed to. (Maggie had said if I waited around and they didn't come just got back to the convent and they'd meet me there later that afternoon--but, again, I didn't want to leave them without help finding the convent.)

Well, after a while I spotted Phil and Maggie. Hugs were exchanged and we headed toward the metro. It was fun seeing them since I left 2 days after their wedding! We made our way to the convent where they settled in a little. They had to check in with the sisters too. The sister asked if they were married (probably because we were all staying in the same room) and when they answered affirmatively, she thanked them. It was funny. Phil also asked the sister his one well-practiced and prepared sentence in Italian about whether the doors would stay open later than 10pm on Christmas Eve when we were going to the 10pm Papal Mass.

I think that day we just walked around a little, probably went into St. Peter's, ate pasta, and got gelato--at least once.

They were jet lagged, so we went to bed early. I read some Pride and Prejudice then hit the hay also.

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