Saturday, April 30, 2011

Wine Fest

Yesterday was the St. Paul's Wine Fest.  I had a great time and hope mom and dad did too!  I got to introduce them to a lot of my friends (and future coworkers/roommates!).  They also got to meet Lisa's parents.  However, M and D spent most of the night talking to Gina about The Office.  She told me today that she really enjoyed the convos with M and D! :)

Most of the day today we had an Evangelization Workshop with FOCUS missionaries and current/future Bible study leaders.  We talked a little about next year and heard a few steller talks (to get us pumped up).  Carrie (a missionary) spoke about dreams and why are dreams are so limited.  Then, about how if our dreams are centered in Jesus, we can do anything.  Without JC, we can dream to find a job or something; with JC we can move mountains, have 1000 Bible studies on campus in the next couple years, need to add another Mass because the rest are too crowded, change the culture on campus and more!  It was fun to dream--and now we pray about how to go about doing these things and let the Holy Spirit work through us on campus.  I encourage you all to take time to dream--BIG!  :)

Thursday, April 28, 2011

Today I Died...

...over, and over and over again!  I babysat, the kids liked to play this game that, if it had a name, probably would have been names something like, "Let's kill Jane and make her pretend she's dead for long periods of time."  It was fun.  You all missed it, but, if you're lucky, we'll play next time we're all home.  That is if we can find something, anything really, to use as a sword!

Saturday, April 23, 2011

He's Almost Here!!!!

Since I procrastinated so long in writing a post about my job for next year, I'll just tell you all about it tomorrow at supper! :)  

Also, I just got done helping decorate St. Paul's chapel for tonight and it looks pretty--just kidding, that's nearly impossibly--but there are flowers everywhere, and the flowers smell nice. :)  So excited for tonight!

Also, I wrote a post about Penelope (you all better have read it) a week or so ago and as it turns out, I'm her sponsor, so pray for her tonight!

Finally, another prayer intention:  A friend, Rachel, (that came to that sleepover that I had at home a few weeks ago)...well, her brother was hit by a car on the U of M campus while he was walking a week ago and he passed away on Thursday.  So keep him and Rachel and their family/friends in your prayers tonight especially.  May he rise to eternal life as our Lord rises from the grave tonight!

Friday, April 22, 2011

Monday, April 18, 2011

Best Bachelorette Party Ever

So Laura's bachelorette party was the best party of any kind I've ever been too--at least the most well-planned and well-executed.  We got to her house in Pewaukee between 2:30 and 2:45.  When we arrived we signed the waivers for paintballing so that we didn't have to do it once we got there.

Then we headed to Mukwonago for a few hours to paintball.  I had done it once before for FLOW in high school and didn't really like it that much.  But, had SOOOO much fun on Saturday.  The place was this huge warehouse and we were able to play inside too.  Laura had a veil with a crown on and also a sash that said "bride."  All of the sudden I realized how much the situation of us waiting around for our masks and guns reminded me of "My Big Redneck Wedding" TV show.  I felt the need to share it with Laura and she agreed!  Hilarious.

Anywho, we paintballed for a couple hours and here was the results:

After paintballing we headed to Lauren and Alison's house (they are Laura's life-long BFF's who are twins and did all the planning of the party) where we ate mashed potatoes from Culver's (Laura's favorite!) and a lot of other food.  Then we played some Michael Jackson Experience on the Wii and a fun game for the bride-to-be...I won't tell you about it because I think it's a great game to play for Emma's Bachelorette party someday! :)

At 9:00 we headed off to the next activity--a treasure hunt for Laura.  They had this extensive treasure hunt set up that started with a clue that led Laura to a swing in their backyard that she made them for their 21st birthday's and then to her Church, High School, a park, favorite ice cream place, a bar and finally to her house.  At Bubba's, the ice cream place, the twins had everything set up and Laura's previous clue had a gift certificate in it and it said she had to order the exact dessert or she wouldn't get her next clue.  Anyway, she knew just what to order and the cashier handed her the next clue--so cute!

The last clue led her to her bedroom where a present and card were sitting on her bed.  She brought it back down and opened it.  It was a Bible (from all of us) with her new (future) name embossed on it and a love letter from her groom in it.  So stinkin' cute!!!!  The first stops were at places and things from her childhood and the scavenger hunt ended with God and Andy.
Then, we hung out in her basement, watched a movie and went to bed.  I was exhausted.  On Sunday morning, I had to wake up early and leave by 7 so that I could get home in time for work.  I gave Laura's freshman/sophomore-year roommate a ride home too because it was her 5th anniversary with her boyfriend and he had a whole day planned for them.  Right before I headed over to the library to write this I saw Laura and learned that the day included a proposal (for marriage) from her boyfriend!  :)

Saturday, April 16, 2011

My Phone

my phone is dead.  the charger won't work.  it's time for a new one.  tomorrow i'm headed to peewaukee for the night for a bachelorette party that includes paintballing...should be fun!

Friday, April 15, 2011

New Staff Orientation

Today, at my NSO (New Staff Orientation) for the Y I met Darin's sister.  We talked and decided it's not fair that Libby and Darin get each other nice presents and the siblings are stuck with a $20 limit for gifts from them.  Ha...not fair.  After all, life is about presents and the value behind them, right!? :)

Thursday, April 14, 2011

My Job for Next Year

Sorry that you guys had to find out about my job for next year via mom (or via comments on the blog in Emma's case).  I just didn't post anything on here or fb or anything because we were told to keep it a secret for a little bit.  And, we were never actually told when we could stop keeping it a secret (awkward..).  But, I'm pretty sure it's fair game now.  I'm going to be the Hospitality Intern at St. Paul's.  I'm super excited.  And I'll post later about what my duties will be, who my co-workers will be and all that jazz.  For right now, I have to head to St. Paul's to help cook Newman Dinner (which I'll be in charge of next year!) :)

I'll leave you with this...."Mmm bop, ba duba dop, Ba du bop, ba duba dop, Ba du bop, ba duba dop, Ba du"

I Like Your Shoes

I just need to tell a quick story about Katie mentioned in this post.  I had been asked if I would meet with her (again, since I bragged about having nothing to do) and said yes.  We corresponded via email and decided to meet in the half hour between 6pm Mass and her RCIA class at 7:30.  I facebook stalked her prior to the meeting so I knew what she looked like.  Then, after Mass I went into the Lower Commons at St. Paul's where we had decided to meet and hung around.  I didn't see a girl anywhere that looked like the girl I facebook stalked.  There was one girl kind of hanging around talking to a couple people and she even complimented me on my shoes.  Well, 7:30 rolled around, I figured we weren't going to meet so I went home.

I don't know if it was on the walk home or days later that I realized that the girl who complimented me was Katie.  CAN YOU SAY "AWKWARD!"? I emailed her and asked if she was who I thought she was and, indeed, she was.  We added each other to facebook and met at a coffee shop next time--all awkwardness was avoided.  Thankfully, the story is just hilarious.  We tell new people we meet that it was our first "non-meeting".  

I'm so awkward.


My current Facebook status: "Jane Voelker thinks "Stop the Bop" day might have just become her new favorite Madison day EVER! mmmmbop!!"

Why? You may ask.  What on earth is she talking about?
Today is the second annual "Stop the Bop" fundraiser.  I don't know who's raising money or what it's going for--besides I know it goes to help children.  But, here's the gist:  The fundraisers play "mmmbop" over loudspeakers in library mall until they get the amount of money they are trying to raise.  Hilarious or annoying?  I vote absolutely hysterical.  But, I suppose no one would be surprised to hear me say that.  I just love the irony.  The money is going to little kids (for something) and little kids tend to stop their feet until they get what they want.  So these big kids are stomping their feet and being annoying until they get what they want.

At the end of Mass today, Fr. said, "As you can hear the 'Stop the Bop' fundraiser is back so please donate to them so I don't have to listen to that for the next four-and-a-half hours." hahaaa

Penelope taught me a life lesson

No, not the movie, silly!  But there's a girl named Penelope that's a catechumen and getting ready for her Baptism and Confirmation at the Easter Vigil.  On Monday Shileng asked me if I could meet with her until then.  And I thought, "Sure, what's a couple of meetings?"  I told him I was already meeting with a girl (shoutout to Katie K who I have been meeting with for a couple months) and he's like, "I know.  Can you meet with another one."  And I told him yes.  Then he told me I have to meet with her everyday (well, not everyday, but ALMOST everyday) until the E. Vigil.  Then, in shock, I told him okay and asked what we were supposed to talk about.  He said general catechisis, the old testament, and if I had time a few other things.  And I thought, WHAT THE HECK!?!?  Anyway, I met with her Tuesday and got to know her a little and then yesterday we talked a little about some of the OT up to Abram and Sarai. 

Then, I emailed Fr. Eric this morning to be reminded what exactly I was supposed to be doing.  He said she needs to be able to say the creed with faith at the E. Vigil.  So, talk to her about the Trinity, Incarnation, the Church, general morals, etc.  I was like, oh okay, good thing I have two years--oh wait, I have less than two weeks!   Haa.....hopefully she learns whatever she needs to learn.

Also, I texted Gina when I got the email back from Fr. and she said "Well, it's better than the whole OT."  Agreed.

Now what is this life lesson that Penelope taught me?  "Never brag about having nothing to do because everyone will hear that and ask you to do heaps and heaps of things."

Also, a quick ditty about Katie K who I meet with whose middle name happens to start with a K too.  I told her I thought her email was funny because it's  She said she told her boyfriend that if he married her he could save her from being a white supremacist!  HAHAHAA

How Lame

My blogposts have been pretty lame lately, huh?  Well, I went to the library today just to write a decent blogpost.  (Not actually the reason, but I'll write one anyway.)  Actually, there might be a couple small ones to keep all my thoughts separate and you guys entertained!

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

I Miss.... computer

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

If only...

...I had anything exciting to say. 

Saturday, April 9, 2011


Was anyone else surprised to receive a text from mom that said, "Almost to omaha...sore butt...going well."  Ah, I had no clue that she was going anywhere but I'm glad to here things are going well--sad to hear about the butt though!

Thursday, April 7, 2011

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Work at 5am

Today, I worked the 5AM shift at work.  This meant getting up around 4:30 and leaving for work.  It was kind of fun driving there because when do you get up that early and drive?  When you're going to the airport to catch a flight, when you're going to help set up and chase a hot air balloon, etc.  So, I was excited driving to work--though I just ended up lifeguarding for 5 hours.  But, surprisingly, I really liked the shift!  (It may have had to do with the "5-Hour Energy" I drank at 5am.)  I couldn't drink coffee or any normal caffeine-filled drink because I knew I wasn't going to get a bathroom break until 9am when someone came in for lessons!  Anyway, shift ended, no bathroom break at 9am desperately needed.  It was a good day.  I work that shift again on Good Friday--I figured taking that shift for someone else would be a good sacrifice since I can't snack on Craisins during it.  :)

Anyway, mom took my computer into ZAXX and they have to send it into the computer place and it will be at least a week before we hear anything about it! :(

Monday, April 4, 2011


Well, I just got back from the party and it was really fun.  Everything it promised to be and more! 

Also, I thought I was a total loser for putting a total score of 75 for the final game.  But the final score was only 94? 95? Can't remember right now, so I guess I'm not as stupid about basketball as I thought.  And congrats dad for picking right!

Fr. Eric is 50!

Fr. Eric Nielsen turns 50 today so he's having a big party at Brocach's (the Irish pub on the square) tonight.  I have to work until 7:30 but am definitely going there after.  There's going to be food, beer, pop, cake, tap dancing, a band, and more!  The man knows how to have a party!!  Anyway, speaking of that I have to make a cake this afternoon for the party! :)  But I'm heading out the door right now to go hang out with my friend, Beth, who is visiting for the weekend/Fr.'s party!  It's going to be a good day!

Sunday, April 3, 2011

Missing a few posts...

I might not be able to post for a couple days so here's a list of things pertaining to me life:

1) The reason I might not be able to post is that the screen of my laptop half-separated from the keyboard of my laptop--not only is that awkward, it's rather inconveinent.  He'll soon be at the computer shop.

2) The sleepover was fun--I feel like all we did was eat, but it was still fun.

3) If grandma is me-ma and Emma is mem-ma, when Theresie's first word is "Jane," how will she said it?  Jane-ma?

4) Broccoli salad is delicious

5) Oreo ice-cream cake is more delicious

6) I wrote "me" in the first line of this post on purpose

Saturday, April 2, 2011


I'm on my way home soon with a few friends for a sleepover and some of dad's delicious burgers.  And, of course, to see Theresie and co.!

Friday, April 1, 2011

The Silversmith

So, here's the comparison between a silversmith and purgatory.  Someone went to watch a silversmith at work.  To purify silver you have to put it into a fire and the observer asked the silversmith how he knew when it was purified enough.  He said you can't take it out too soon or it won't be purified and if I leave it in too long it will be destroyed.  And the observer asked again how he knew what the perfect length of time in the fire was.  And he said, that's easy; it's done when I see my reflection in the silver.  (BOOYAH, same with purgatory.  When God sees His reflection in us, we're ready for heaven!) :)

"He will sit as a smelter and purifier of silver, and He will purify the sons of Levi and refine them like gold and silver, so that they may present to the LORD offerings in righteousness."  Malachi 3:3

Alpha O

Tonight we had Alpha Omega (which is the Thursday night large group undergrad gathering) and Gina (FOCUS missionary and my Bible study leader) talked about heaven, hell, and purgatory.  It was a really interesting and great talk...tomorrow, hopefully, I'll post about an analogy involving a silversmith and purgatory!  Goodnight y'all!