Monday, September 28, 2009

Boys don't help plan anything...fall break plans!

Fall break is rapidly approaching, well not too rapidly, it falls (haha) during the last week of October. My plans went back and forth a bunch of times due to traveling with different people and cheaper flights. We had our plans pretty much set and then turned our itinerary completely around because we could save heaps of money.

Laura, Amanda Villa, Abe, and I will be traveling together. We will start the trip by flying from Milan to London and stay for three nights (my roommate Amanda and friend Julian will also be there during our stay). Then, we catch a train/ferry combo to Dublin for two nights. This is followed by a plane ride to Munich for two nights. Our final destination is Stockholm, Sweden. We are super excited about all of this. (Esp. Stockholm as we will be staying on a boat, transformed into a hostel!) After two nights in Stockholm we fly back to Milan so we can get back for classes on Nov. 2.

Anyway, we are all over the map because it was the cheapest way to plan the trip. Our original plans included Amsterdam and not Stockholm. However, we saved like 200 Euro by going to Stockholm!!! (Exclamation points are officially back! (Because I am just that excited about this trip!))

Finally, about the title of this post. Abe, the guy coming with us on our trip, was worthless. Just kidding! (Kind of!) This past Sunday morning we sat down to plan the trip and look up hostels and spent 4 hours or so booking the trip, and what did he do? He handed Amanda his credit card and driver's license and let her do everything for him. If he tried to do that to me, I would have made him come book everything himself! For the record, I'm not mad about this at all and am really excited about Abe coming along because he is pretty hilarious!

A post about my Saturday adventure is coming tomorrow...stay tuned!
So, here's to waiting 24 more days until I can start that adventure (with a trip to the Almalfi coast and a trip to Oslo, Norway tucked into those 24 days, of course!).

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