Thursday, September 17, 2009

If she's an artist, what is the other one?

Here's a little post about my roommates. I believe I mentioned their names before, but one is Amanda and she is a senior English major at Madison and Kristine is a super senior majoring in music, at Madison. We get along great. But I was really, really, really scared when I first met...Kristine.

When I arrived Amanda was here and napping. Eventually we went and walked around the town and got a snack and she seemed cool and pretty normal.

Then Kristine came. When she arrived she says, "Hi, I'm Kristine. This may sound weird, but I don't really like people." And I thought, ahhh....shoot!!!! Why would they put me with a roommate who doesn't like people...why wouldn't she get a single room! Anyway, it turns out she's not that weird! :)

One day when we were sitting in our room she starts telling me about our roommate applications. She said she wrote, "I am an artist, don't put me with some stupid sorority girl or I don't know what I'll do!" (It's better if you hear it in the dramatic accent I use when telling other people the story or making fun of Kristine for saying that!) I laughed so hard.

Amanda was skyping with her dad the other day and he asked about her roommates. Naturally, she told the story about Kristine being an artist. Her dad said, "Well, if one's an artist what does that make the other one." Amanda says, "Well, I guess she's a klutz and I'm a mess." (Quite accurate, I thought!)

So, room one has an artist, a klutz and a mess. And, we mesh together quite well!

Since I told a funny story about Kristine, one about Amanda is necessary. I previously wrote about a group of us going out the first Saturday we were here. Well, Amanda put on a dress and wore some high heels. A guy in the program named Sam says to her, "Wow, Amanda, you take off all of those hippie clothes and you kind of look nice!" I thought that was so funny and now make fun of her for that. It's great!

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