Thursday, September 10, 2009

What I did in Paris...

Here's a (somewhat) brief list of things I did in Paris. I'm sure I could write stories about each thing, but that would be unbearable and no one wants to read about that.

1) Naturally, I went to the top of the Eiffel Tower.

2) Of course, I went to the Louvre; saw the Mona Lisa and Venus de Milo among other things. The Mona was a little unimpressive, if I may say so. There was a rope across the perimeter so that you couldn't get within 15 or so feet. It was enclosed in glass so no piuctures turned out...but it's a masterpiece, so I saw it. The Venus de Milo was quite impressive and I liked it a lot. The rest of the Louvre was quite hard to navigate because there is SOO much stuff there. We saw a couple exhibits on Ancient Egyptian art which was cool. Then, because we were dog tired we left after only an hour or two there. Did you know that the Louvre shows 3,500 pieces of artwork at a time and has over 35,000 in storage...yeah. crazy!

3) Went to the Musee d'Orsay. This is a different art museum with a lot of Monet, Renoir, Manet, Van Gogh, and many others. It was great! We spent quite a bit of time in here looking at everything. My fave here was a painting by Renoir called Dance at Le Moulin de la Galette.

4) Notre Dame--beautiful, huge...

5) Champ de Mars. This is where Napoleon was trained. A military training school thing.

6) Sacre-Coeur (Basilica of the Sacred Heart of Jesus). This was absolutely beautiful. It is also atop a hill called Montmartre. This had a beautiful view of Paris and we hung out of there for a while.

7) The awesome!

8) Champ Elysees-Etoile with the tomb of the unknown soldier. We saw a bit of the rekindling of the flame of the unknown soldier also.

9) Went to Lisieux, home of St. Therese (more on this to follow!)

10) Wandered aimlessly.

11) Rode the metro, a ton!

12) Walked a lot.

13) Had bread, cheese and grapes for lunch everyday because food was quite expensive.

14) Ate crepes.

Hmm...that's all I got from Paris. It was a great trip and I'm glad we went. Oh yeah, I forgot that the reason we were able to navigate through Paris so easily was the great tourist bus! 24 Euro for 48 hours of getting on and off the tour bus whenever you wanted! It was so fun! Ah, to be a tourist...I'll post some pictures of fun sights along the way in Paris.

Sara Jane and me outside of the Louvre

This is the little kid who was trying to dance like Michael Jackson per instructions from the other guy. His mom came and tried to dance later!

Notre Dame!

Here's the Renoir painting I liked a lot!

The obligatory "Eiffel Tower in the background from the tour bus picture!"

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