Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Playing catch up...

Sunday morning brought Church. I'm going two weeks and counting without attending an Italian funeral! :) Also, Amanda Villa (not my roommate) came with me to Church this Sunday, which was fun! Sunday consisted mostly of homework and facebooking!

Monday, we watched a movie in my Italian Encounters class (Summertime with Katharine Hepburn). I also got my quiz from Italian class from last Thursday back. I got an A! Then, at 8:00 p.m. I had a mandatory movie to watch for a different class (Rome Open City with no one I've ever heard of before). After the movie I headed to the library in the villa to crank out my Art History paper. It was more of a personal reflection on a piece we've seen than a paper. Well, facebook, Laura, and my roommate Amanda distracted me and I distracted them. Needless to say, we didn't get a lot done.

They finally and I worked for about twenty minutes and got over 500 words done (the paper had to be 500 words!) but they weren't very good words. I was tired and had all afternoon on Tuesday to do it so I went to bed.

Tuesday morning we had on-site lecture with Professor Mariotti at the Bargello Museum. The museum had a lot of Michelangelo and Donatello. The lecture lasted until 11:15 and then Laura, Amanda and I hit the market on the way to the bus. I bought a nice cashmere scarf for 5 Euro. It's purrty! We came home in time for lunch and ate. Then I worked on my paper.

I ended up writing about Donatello's Mary Magdalene sculpture and one of Michelangelo's Pietas. It turns out Mich. made three Pietas...I only knew about the one in Rome. The one in Florence was pretty cool. Well, I got the paper done and in on time. Then I had Italian class in the evening, followed by supper. Then, after supper we had another mandatory movie for Studies in Modern Italian Lit (which we affectionately call SMIL). We watched Mediterraneo (again with no one I know in it). It was a decent movie.

After the movie I moved to the library to do some work and did Italian homework then decided to update the ol' blog. So, here I am! (It's so weird to update the blog regularly!) Anyway, I'll probably do some thinking about the movies we saw and some reading for Art History and then hit the hay! Buona Notte!

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