Wednesday, March 28, 2012

I wish I had a life...

My life feels pretty boring right now (compared to house buying, baby having, etc.)

Actually, my life feels pretty boring compared to anything...

Wow, I need a life.

I don't really have a social life.

A couple weeks ago, James suggested I find friends who

  1. aren't college undergrads or 
  2. only talk about undergrads
How am I supposed to do this when I'm an indentured servant to the Church?

Ha, just kidding, I actually love what I'm doing!  I don't care if I only hang out with 18-year-olds.  Whatevs.


  1. I know of a young adult group that my friend Grant is in. I think it is at St. Patricks. My friend Susan and her sister belong to it to. They don't talk to or about undergrads :)

  2. Yes, there are things I could do...I just don't have time! :)
