Saturday, March 3, 2012

Cleaning the kitchen...again

Today I spent a solid 6 hours cleaning Newman Kitchen at St. Paul's.  What was the highlight of that, you ask?  Well there were two.

  1. I dumped some warm water on my pants (it was an accident).  What was this great?  It look--and felt a little--like I peed my awk!
  2. I put a five-gallon bucket in the dishwasher (an industrial/cafeteria dishwasher).  It was a little tricky getting it in, but I made it fit.  Then, when the dishwasher finished cleaning, I couldn't get the dishwasher open.  I yanked and pulled and it wasn't budging.  I finally got it opened like an inch and half--just enough to see that the dishwasher tray had tipped a little.  Of course I tried sticking my hand in to tip the tray the other way.  Everything was quite, quite, quite hot.  I finally grabbed an oven mitt to try and stick my hand in the dice.  Finally, when at the point of tears I gave it a rest and asked for Mary and St. Jude's help.  Who would have thought, everything worked out great and I got the dishwasher open!  
So, if you ever learn anything from me or this blog, know that 5-gallon buckets don't fit very well in industrial dishwashers!

Now, I'm relaxing, eating some lasagna a friend made my roommates and me, and watching "Too Cute: kittens"...okay, I'm turning the TV off...too. many. kittens.

Tomorrow is our Student Leadership Banquet to thank this years student leaders and get everyone to sign up for what they want to do next year!  It should be fun!!!  More details later! :)

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