Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Mad story telling skillz

So, today the Interns had a day of recollection.  After noon Mass we headed out to Cottage Grove for a few hours.  The priest there, Father Sasse (pronounced: sassy), gave a few meditations, we got to go to confession and got some quiet prayer time.  It was nice!

Then we headed back to campus for community night.  The FOCUS women, my friend Abby, and Sarah, the EC missionary who comes to our community night, were coming over tonight.  Because we didn't have a ton of time to cook food I prepped everything last night and we made a yummy risoto-style peppered chicken (super cheesy, creamy, green and red pepper, rice dish).  It was delish!  Maybe I'll post the recipe.  It kind of looked like vomit though, but we got over it.  We also had Wintergreen salad--the one with fruit that mom always made!  My favorite!!  And, we had bread with dipping oil, graham crackers, and celery with peanut butter.  It was a grand meal.

After we ate, there was some dancing to Disney songs on the porch, some hanging out, and some chatting.  Community night ended with a ridiculous story from Carrie.  She has a few nieces and nephews and apparently tells them stories a lot.  It was kind of creepy-weird how she told a 1/2 hour story about a magical dog, imaginary friends and fire-breathing (surprisingly kind-at-heart) dragons and we all listened intently!  Oh, how recent college grads don't use their imagination enough.  I was captivated--not necessarily by the quality of the story--don't get me wrong, I'd listen to adventures about Max and Princess Jane all day--but at her ability to story tell.  I took mental notes.  And. I. Can. Hardly. Wait. Until. Thérèse is old enough to appreciate my newly acquired story telling skills.  It's going to be awesome!

Tomorrow we have an all day staff discernment day to pick student leaders for next year.  It should be interesting.  The only sad thing is that we didn't work at all this afternoon and we won't work tomorrow.  (I mean we're actually working; just not doing the things I need to get done.)  And, this weekend is our Koinonia retreat.  I have a ton to do--so I'm going in before prayer tomorrow to hopefully get the booklet for the retreatants finished and sent it to be printed so we can have it by Friday.  I also need to do a lot of arranging rides and finding cars/drivers for the retreat.  So, pray for me!  St. Ignatius of Loyola is the patron of this retreat (called SPK9), so ask for his intercession!

Have a lovely night ya'll!

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