Thursday, March 22, 2012

The worst insult ever and a horrible lefsa ingredient

Do you want to know what the worst insult ever would be?

"You smell like a bag of rotten potatoes!!"

Why? You wonder... Well, look no further.  I'll tell you.  It's because ROTTEN. POTATOES. ARE. THE. WORST. SMELLING. THING. EVER.  Worse than anything else.  Last week the pantry in Newman Kitchen smelt a little janky, if you will.  (Janky = (adjective) inferior quality; held in low social regard; old and delapidated; refers almost exclusively to inanimate material objects, not to people.)  But, I ignored it preferring instead to pretend the smell would go away.  There was also something janky smelling in one of the fridges which I took care of--so I figured I did my good-smell-deed for the day.

Then, on Monday we had Hospitality Team meeting.  Since it was the Solemnity of St. Joseph (happy name day Jobie!) we had s'mores made over the stove as a treat.  Well, we had to go into the pantry to get the supplies.  And, on Monday it smelt jank nasty (jank nasty = An adjective phrase used to describe a person place or thing that looks stank, repulsive, dirty) Yes, jank nasty is like a bajillion times worse than jank.  So, I left the door open so it could air out during our hTeam meeting.  The only result was that the whole kitchen smelt horrible at the end of the meeting!

Solution?  Shut the door and pretend the problem doesn't exist.  Today, I went grocery shopping for tonight's Newman Dinner.  Before I left I went into the pantry and almost puked.  I decided it was high time to tackle this problem.  I found some moldy lemons and threw those away; I also threw away a few bags of onions.  Then, I went shopping.  I came back and decided to take the garbage (with the lemons, onions, apparently something sharp, and nasty banana juice in it) outside.  Well, by the time I got the garbage into the dumpster my cute pink dress had old-banana juice stains on it and my right leg was bleeding--dripping actually.  What the heck?!  And, to boot, I didn't even conquer the smell.  I looked around a little more but I was actually legitimately afraid there was a dead animal in there (or the idea of eggs that were weeks old and never got put in the fridge).  So, I quit.  I made the hTeam boys look when they got her for Newman Dinner.  And, you guessed it...ROTTEN POTATOES.

I know you need old potatoes for lefsa, but I think these would have made the worst. lefsa. ever.

1 comment:

  1. Good idea making the boys do it. They have to get used to laying their lives down for the girls :)
